CLCS 335: Classical Mythology
Sample Test 1 (Answers)

A. Mark the following statements as T(rue) or F(alse).

1. "Cosmogonic" myths describe the origin of important ritual practices. F
2. The hero of ainos is severely limited by the power of fate and the gods. F
3. In immanent cosmogonies, the world is created by a detached deity  F
4. The story of Prometheus’ trick is an instance of an etiological myth.  T
5. According to Jung, archetypes symbolize repressed sexual impulses.  F
6. "Parthenogenesis" is the name for the act by which ancestors are said to spring from rocks or trees.  F

B. Circle the best answer.

7. According to Hesiod, which of the following beings is childless?
 (A) Chaos (B) Cronus (C) Eros (D) Uranus
8. The older Olympians are offspring of
 (A) Gaea & Tartarus (B) Zeus & Hera (C) Uranus & Gaea (D) Cronus & Rhea
9. In terms of function, Zeus bears the closest resemblance to the Near Eastern god
 (A) Enuma  (B) Prometheus (C) Marduk  (D) Apsu
10. To say that myths are "homeostatic" means that they
 (A) remain constant over time  (B) mirror the expectations of each new audience (C) flourish only in preliterate societies  (D) transmit traditional beliefs
11. Euhemerist interpretations of myths attempt to uncover their
 (A) psychological significance (B) moral message (C) hidden structure (D) historical basis
12. The major focus of Kingship in Heaven and The Song of Ullikummi is
 (A) father/son conflict (B) female reproductive powers (C) separation of a primal pair (D) categorization of things in the world
13. In Hesiod’s account of origins, the principal function of Eros is to:
 (A) mate with Chaos  (B) encourage sexual desire  (C) mate with Gaea   (D) give birth to Uranus