Notes on Quizzes and Grades
Spring, 1999
Last updated 30 April 1999

The following indicate the average grades assigned for each Writing Assignment or Quiz in the class.  The purpose of this is to allow students to compare their individual grades with the class average.

 Quiz and Writing Assignment Grades
Writing Assignments*
Assignment #
Av. Grade
Assignment #
Av. Grade
Assignment #
Av. Grade
11 .
12 .
13 .
14 .
15 .
* These average grades are calculated on the basis of 100 points possible.

Points to be considered by all students in order to improve their grades on the Writing Assignments.

  1. Go to the Writing Lab!  Consult the assistants there about general features of the papers you have written or need to write, as well as discuss specific writing styles and indicated problems.  If you are referred to the Lab, go.  Take your written paper and discuss it.  Remember if you don't have a copy of the assignment with you, you can always get it from the web page!
  2. Go to the Writing Lab again!!!!  Whether you have been referred to the Lab or not, go, and return.  Just because you have discussed one problem or question with the assistants does not mean your writing would not benefit from repeated consultations.
  3. Look at the assignments the moment the are announced in class and/or posted on the web.  Make sure you have some sense of what is asked of you immediately.  Then if you have questions, you will have time to get clarification from the Instructor or the TA.
  4. It is amazing how many students lose points, significant numbers of points, because of mechanical mistakes.  There is no excuse for these.  They can be easily corrected and eliminated.  Proofread your papers, and check the web sites for citation and form questions.
  5. Plagiarism is a very significant violation of University Regulations and it will be "prosecuted."  If you have any questions about matters of this kind, CHECK the brochure attached to the hard copy of the syllabus distributed at the beginning of the semester.  CHECK the web page as well.  That page discusses plagiarism.  ASK the TA or the Instructor for help if you have read these materials and still  have questions.  Ignorance of practices relating to plagiarism is NO EXCUSE!
Quiz Grades*
Quiz #
Av. Grade
Quiz #
Av. Grade
Quiz #
Av. Grade
11 Ext Crdt
* These grades are calculated on the basis of 100 possible points, although the quizzes are graded on a 10 point scale.
** This Extra Credit Quiz will be points added to the Quiz Component of the Final grade in this Course.

 As noted in the syllabus, the purpose of quizzes is to assess how well students are mastering materials that has just been assigned to them, and presumably they have just learned.  Students are supposed to attend class every day, prepared to answer the relevant study questions drawn from the syllabus.  Furthermore, students should be able to answer questions about textbook definitions -- check the text glossaries if you do not know a word used in class or appearing in the lectures.

Do not even ask about making up quizzes.  If you miss a quiz
the pedagogic value of the quiz is lost and cannot be
"reclaimed" by a make-up quiz.
You will note that the instructor is NOT interested in explanations for absences from quizzes.  These are NOT excused, no matter what the reason, and the student is still responsible for  the material and announcements distributed on those days.  There are ways of picking up those dropped or missed items (except for the quizzes), as long as the student does them.  Do not ask the TA or the Instructor to fill in those gaps.
Quiz # 1

Why was federalism important at the time of the framing of the Constitution?  What different reasons are there now for having a federal system than there was originally?

Quiz # 2

Compare and Contrast Federalism with the Separation of Powers.

Quiz # 3

What roles or functions do the Mass Media play in American Politics today?

Quiz # 4

What agents are involved in political socialization in this country?  Rank order the effectiveness of these agents in socialization.  Briefly explain your ranking.

Quiz # 5

What impact does Public Opinion in America have on ONE of the following?

A good answer to any one of these three categories would outline the various roles that public opinion (PO) can play in connection with each of these.  That is PO affects Candidates by providing them with "press" and image manipulation opportunities, and agenda items.  Political Institutions are affected by Public Opinion only in terms of those institutions that involve elections.  Appointed officials (institutions) do not need to heed the policies preferences expressed through PO.  Public Opinion has little influence on the making of Public Policy other than setting agenda items.  This is an important aspect of policy making, but PO often does not influence the specific content or substance of public policy.
Quiz # 6

What kind of strategy is a challenger most like to use in a campaign for elective office?  How does this differ from that most likely chosen by an incumbent?

A good answer to this question involved indicating the differences between being an incumbent who had a record on which to run and the challenger who does not have such a track record.  This answer should  NOT focus on retrospective and prospective VOTING.  (This focuses on voter choices, not on campaign strategies or tactics.)  The Challenger generally has to choose to campaign negatively against the incumbent's record.  The Incumbent, on the other hand, can choose either to run on his/her prior record, OR on the future they will be able to secure for constituents.  To get full credit on this quiz the paragraph answer had to be clearly and well written.

Quiz # 7

What functions do elections perform in the American political system?

A good answer to this question involved identifying (i.e., listing) the functions that elections can perform in a democracy, specifically the United States.  These include:

The quality of the writing and organization of the answer also contributed to the grade on this quiz.
Quiz # 8

How do Political Parties differ from Interest Groups?

A sound answer to this question could be developed by providing a coherent paragraph in which the definitions of Parties and of Interest Groups are provided OR a paragraph in which the functions of these two intermediary institutions are outlined.  A very good answer involved a tightly and clearly (well) written paragraph, rather than just the definition or functions of Parties and Interest Groups.

Quiz # 9

Indicate one public policy issue on which each of the following pairs of interest groups might work for the same objective and indicate that objective.

League of Women Voters United Mine Workers
National League of Cities National Organization of Welfare Rights
American Dairy Association American Medication [Medical] Association
American Association of Retired People Blue Cross/Blue Shield
American Trial Lawyers Association Association of American Consumers
There was a typographical error in the third pair.  Rather than the American Medication Association the group should have been the American Medical Association.  So students got full credit (2 points) for that the pair.
The way to approach this quiz was to determine which group of each pair had the narrower set of interests, and then determine what overlap there was between the other interest and the narrower one.  Examples of this would be: Each of these five (four) categories should have been answered adequately in a phrase or a sentence that contains both of the points relating to overlapping policy issues and objectives.
Quiz # 10

What is voting alignment, realignment, and dealignment?
This question is straightforward and definitional.  It is related to Party voting, rather than individual voting behavior, but it is connected to such behavioral considerations.  A good answer provided coherent and accurate (correct) definitions of these three categories of elections or voting.

It is apparent from the general performance on this quiz question that most students have not studied the assigned material, they have not understood the course materials on this subject, OR they have completely forgotten what they learned about this subject.  This level of performance here indicates very inadequate preparation on the part of a significant portion of the class.  Some students were prepared and did well but they are very few in number.

Quiz # 11
Extra Credit
What group characteristics lead to some groups engaging in "inside political strategies" and which characteristics seem to lead to "outside strategies?"
A good answer to this extra credit quiz question dealt with group characteristics (not groups strategies and tactics) that affect "inside" and "outside" group activities.  These had to be correctly related to the strategy.  Various characteristics that are related involve (1) money, (2) technical expertise, (3) interpersonal relationships, (4) the nature of the issue(s) involved, (5) access.
Quiz # 12

Identify and explain the most important feature of the relationship between the Presidency and the Congress in the American Political System.

This quiz required a clear indication of what feature the student considered most important and then a developed paragraph clearly explaining WHY this was the most important feature.  Some students never articulated a feature.  Others could not explain why their chosen feature was so important.  Other students did a good job of outlining both the feature and the explanation.

Quiz # 13
Since World War II, what changes have occurred in the role(s) performed by the Vice President?

This quiz required students to outline several changes in the role of the Vice President.  These include the emergence of policy making duties, advising, party and campaign functions, and even some administrative work, depending on the individual relationships and personalities of the President and the Vice President.

 Quiz # 14
What limits are there on the President's ability (power) to command the Bureaucracy to act as he wishes?

This quiz asks for a clear indication of limits on the President's control of the Bureaucracy.  These would include the following:

Strong answers to this quiz would outline more than one (preferably three or four) of these.
 Quiz # 15
How do courts in America contribute to public policy making?

This quiz question asks students to explain how courts make policy making and what power they possess to carry out thing kind of policy making.  Some attention to the courts' power to interpret both the constitution and primarily statutes is required to address this question.  In addition,  the answer should contain some treatment of how interpretation of both these elements of law contribute to policy making.
    A premium was placed on well written and coherent answers to this question.