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Struggle of the Orders 499-287 BC

Lex Hortensia of 287


Kurt Raaflaub, Social Struggles in Archaic Rome


Lex Hortensia 287 BC- all legislation passed by Popular or Plebeian Assembly was binding on the State


whoever held office in Rome = senatorial aristocracy


Tarquin the Proud expelled in 510 BC


2 annually elected consuls (collegiality); Pontifex Maximus

Mos maiorum – roman custom


imperium = lictors, fasces, augurs


Great Secession on the Sacred Mount 499 BC


New Assembly, Plebeian, Popular, Tribal Assembly


10 Plebeian Tribunes - annually elected civil liberties defenders -




New curule offices








SPQR senatus populusque romani-- dual polity


Centuriate or Military Assembly/ Plebeian, or Popular Assembly


Centuriate Assembly, needed to win elections, 97 centuries


18 centuries of the Equites


80 centuries first class


2nd– 4th classes 20 centuries each (80)


5th classes = 30 centuries rarely voted

Proletarii 1 class

Smiths and trumpeters 4 classes


Total 193


F.F. Abbott, Roman Political Institutions; Th. Mommsen, Romische Staatsrecht; L. R. Taylor, Voting districts of the roman republic


IMPORTANT STUDY AID: F. F. Abbott, Roman Political Institutions, pages 150-265, available on line at Google books:

