WPA as Agent of Change: Negotiating the Intellectual Work of Writing Program Administration


English 680W Seminar
Spring 2002
Purdue University
Professor Shirley Rose
Fridays 11:30-2:20; HEAV210

Class Project

Getting Started on the Class Project: Developing a Year-Long Mentoring Program for English 106


Since I want this project to be an experiential learning opportunity for you, I’m going to suggest that we approach work on the proposal for a year-long mentoring program for 106 as through the class is a subcommittee appointed by the Director of Composition and given the charge below.



TO: Mentoring Subcommittee

From: Director of Composition

April 5, 2002

Subject: Proposal for Year-Long Mentoring Program for English 106 Instructors


As I explained to each of you when I appointed you to this ad hoc committee, I am asking you to develop a plan for a year-long mentoring program for English 106 instructors.  Please include the following elements, in addition to any others you think are critical:



Please have your proposal ready in time to present to the Introductory Writing Committee at its April 17 meeting (Wednesday 2:30-3:30). If possible, please circulate a written version of your proposal to the committee members prior to the meeting. The committee is scheduled to meet in Heav 306  Let me know if you will need any special equipment or other special arrangements for presentation of your proposal. 


Thank you for agreeing to serve on this important sub-committee.  Purdue’s mentoring program has had a long and proud tradition of excellence and has been cited as an exemplar for many years.  It is very important that we maintain the quality of our mentoring program and continue to provide leadership in this area.