Textbook information

Image of the cover of the textbook

PHRM 836 will be using as its textbook "Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical Correlations" 7th edition by Devlin, published by Wiley Press in January 2010.

This is a required textbook for PHRM 836 and is used extensively in the course.

The publisher, Wiley Press, offers three versions. There are two paper versions, a regular hard-cover and a ready-for-binder version. Also, an electronic version (eBook) available via CourseSmart. see the publisher's website for ISBN and list prices.

Do not buy or use an older edition of this book as figures, text, and page numbers have changed. The reason why the older editions are comparatively inexpensive is because they are OBSOLETE. Don't ruin your education by trying to save $50 by buying and obsolete version of the textbook.

The paper versions of this textbook may be purchased from any source - the local bookstores have been notified, just be careful to buy the correct edition. It is also for sale with various on-line book dealers. Just search for the terms Biochemistry and Devlin, or use the ISBN to search. But buy the 7th edition.