Sign Languages

Benedicto, E. and G. Tang. 2013. Parametric variation in H1/H2 Shift: Switch Reference in Serial Verb Constructions. Paper to be presented at TISLR 11, London, Great Britain. July 2013.

Benedicto, E. 2011. H1/H2 Shift as Switch Reference in Serial Verb Constructions: parametric variation. Paper presented at the Venice FEAST (Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory) Colloquium. University of Venice. June 2011.

Benedicto, E. 2009. Parámetros de variación morfosintáctica: la H2 en lenguas de señas, Cambio Referencial y Construcciones Seriales. Paper presented at the V Encuentro de Gramática Generativa (EGG), General Roca, Argentina.

Benedicto, E., S. Cvejanov and J.Quer. 2008. The Morphosyntax of Verbs of Motion in Serial Constructions: A Crosslinguistic Study in Three Signed Languages. In J.Quer (ed) Signs of the time. Selected papers from TISLR 2004. Signum Verlag (Germany). Pp.111-132.

Benedicto, E.,  S. Cvejanov and J.Quer. 2007. Valency in Classifier Predicates: A Syntactic Analysis. Lingua, 117.7, pp. 1202-1215

Benedicto, E. and D.Brentari. 2007.‘Qué hay, qué se mueve, quién mueve qué (y adónde): los clasificadores de la lengua de señas estadounidense (ASL).’ In Cvejanov, S. (ed.), Actas de las Jornadas del Comahue de Lingüística de Lenguas de Señas. Universidad Nacional del Comahue.

Benedicto, E. & D. Brentari. 2004. Where Did All The Arguments Go? Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 22.4: 743-810.

Benedicto, E. & D. Brentari. 2002. “Los clasificadores en Lengua de Señas (Norte-)Americana, ASL: Propiedades Argumentales.” [Classifiers in American Sign Language: Argumental Properties] In Zarina Estrada Fernandez and Rosa Ma. Ortiz Ciscomani (eds.), VI Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste. Memorias. Tomo 3, pp. 215-245 Hermosillo (Sonora), Mexico: Editorial UniSon.

2001 "Argumental Properties of ASL Classifiers" [with Diane Brentari], paper presented at the 11th Colloquium in Generative Grammar, April 4-6, 2001, Zargoza, Spain.

2001 “Los clasificadores en Lengua de Señas (Norte-)Americana, ASL: Propiedades Argumentales” [with Diane Brentari]. Proceedings of VI Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste, Hermosillo - Sonora, Mexico.

2000 The Role of ASL Classifiers in Argument Structure. [with Diane Brentari]. Poster presented at the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2000 ‘Los  clasificadores en Lengua de Señas Norte-Americana (ASL): propiedades argumentales,’ [with Diane Brentari] paper presented at the VI Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste, Hermosillo - Sonora, Mexico.

1999 "Verbal Classifiers as Heads of Functional Projections: Evidence from ASL" [with Diane Brentari]. In Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Somerville: Cascadilla Press.

1999 "Verbal Classifiers as Heads of Functional Projections: Evidence from ASL" [with Diane Brentari], paper presented at WCCFL (West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics).

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