Theoretical Syntax

[see also the sections on Mayangna and on Sign Languages]

Benedicto, E. and E. Salomón. Ms. Trayectoria y Manera en los Predicados de Movimiento en Mayangna: propiedades morfo-sintácticas y estructurales en Construcciones Seriales. In Lilián Guerrero (ed), Verbos de movimiento en lenguas de América: léxico, sintaxis y pragmatic.

Benedicto, E. and E. Salomón. 2012. Multiple V-V mono-eventive syntactic complex in Mayangna. In Proceedings of WSCLA 17th, UBC Working Papers in Linguistics, electronic (14p). Vancouver, Ca: University of British Columbia.

Benedicto, E. 2011. H1/H2 Shift as Switch Reference in Serial Verb Constructions: parametric variation. Paper presented at the Venice FEAST (Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory) Colloquium. University of Venice. June 2011.

Benedicto, E. 2007. Modality without Modals. Paper presented at the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Meeting, Anaheim, January 2007.

Benedicto, E. 2007. Obligation without Representation. Paper presented at the XVII Colloquium on Generative Grammar (CGG), Universitat de Girona, Catalunya, Spain. June 13-15 2007.

Benedicto, E. 2007. Modality by Inflectional Cocktail. Paper presented at the GLOW (Generative Linguistics of the Old World) Conference, Workshop on Selective Global Comparison, Tromsø, Norway, April 2007.

Benedicto, E. 2006. Modales léxicos y modales flexionales en movimiento. Paper presented at the 52 International Conference of Americanists, Symposium onPerfiles tipológicos y contacto entre lenguas. Sevilla, Spain. July 2006.

Benedicto, E. 2004. Morphological Features in Syntactic Complex Heads. Paper presented at the Workshop on Morpho-Syntax. Buenos Aires, Argentina. July 2004.

Benedicto, E. 2004. Non-traditional uninterpretable D features in the verbal functional domain: parasitic D[class]. Paper presented at GLOW 27. Thessaloniki, Greece. April 2004.

Benedicto, E. 2003. D[Class] As Parasitic Features In The Verbal Functional Realm: A Crosslinguistic Look At Verbal Classifiers. Paper presented at the II Encuentro de Gramática Generativa. Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2003.

Benedicto, E. 2002. Verbal Classifier Systems: the exceptional case of Mayangna auxiliaries. In Proceedings of WSCLA 7th, UBC Working Papers in Linguistics 10, pp.1-14. Vancouver, Ca: University of British Columbia.

2001 “Los Proyectos Lingüísticos de las Comunidades Mayangna de Nicaragua.” Managua: URACCAN University.

Benedicto, E. (ed). 2000. The UMass Indigenous Languages Volume. UMOP [University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers] 20. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 201 pages. With an Introduction by the editor E. Benedicto, ‘On Indigenous Languages’, p. i-iv.

1999 "Verbal Classifiers as Heads of Functional Projections: Evidence from ASL" [with Diane Brentari]. In Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Somerville: Cascadilla Press.

1999 "Verbal Classifiers as Heads of Functional Projections: Evidence from ASL" [with Diane Brentari], paper presented at WCCFL (West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics).

1999 “A Unified Account for the Copula in AAE”, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Benedicto, E. 1998. “Verb Movement and Its Effects on Determinerless Plural Subjects”. In Armin Schwegler, Bernard Tranel and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria (eds) Romance Linguistics: Theoretical Perspectives, pp. 25-40. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.

Benedicto, E. 1998. “La interpretación de los nombres plurales sin determinante.” [The interpretation of plural nouns without a determiner] In IV Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste, Vol II, A. Acosta, Z. Estrada, M. Figueroa & G. López (eds), pp. 83-114. Hermosillo (Sonora), Mexico: Editorial UniSon.

Benedicto, E., Tomioka, S. and M. Romero (eds). 1998. Proceedings of the UMass Workshop on Focus. GLSA [Graduate Linguistics Student Association], University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 306 pages.

Benedicto, E., L.Abdulkarim, D. Garrett, V.Johnson & H.Seymour. 1998. “Overt Copulas in AAE Speaking Children.” In Proceedings of the BU Conference on Language Development, pp.50-57. Boston: Cascadilla Press.

1998 “Some constraints on overt copulas in child African American English” [with Abdulkarim, L., Johnson, V., Garrett, D., & Seymour, H.N]. Poster presented (by Abdulkarim) at the Annual Convention of the National Black Association for Speech, Language and Hearing, Washington, D.C.

1998 “Syntactic-semantic constraints on overt copulas in African American English.” [with Abdulkarim, L., Johnson, V., Garrett, D., & Seymour, H.N]. Paper presented (by Abdulkarim) at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

1998 Review of La determinación y la modificación en Español, Ph. D. by Francesc Roca. GLOT International, The Hague, Holland: Holland Academic Graphics.

1997 "Overt Copulas in AAE Speaking Children". Paper presented at Boston University Conference on Language Development. Boston, Ma.

1997 "V-Movement and Its Interpretational Effects". Paper presented at GLOW 20. Rabat, Morocco.

1997 "Verb Movement and Its Effects on Determinerless Plural Subjects". Paper presented at the LSRL 27. UCI Irvine, CA.

1997 "Determinerless Subjects". Poster presented at NELS 28. Toronto, Canada.

1996 “La interpretación de los nombres  plurales sin determinante”. Paper presented at the IV Encuentro de Lingüística del Noroeste. Hermosillo, Sonora (Mexico).

1996 “Raising Existential Closure with the Verb”. Paper presented at the VI Colloquium on Generative Grammar. València (Spain).

1995 “(Relativized) Modality: Datives and Reflexive Suffixes in mne ne çitaetsja”. Paper presented at the V Colloquium on Generative Grammar. A Coruña (Spain).

1995 “Mne ne çitaetsja: (Relativized) Modality, Datives and Reflexive Suffixes” in Rajesh Bhatt, Chung-Hye Han, Paul Kingsbury and Susan Garrett (eds), Penn  Working Papers vol II, no.2, University of Pennsylvania.

1995 “Mne ne çitaetsja: (Relativized) Modality, Datives and Reflexive Suffixes”. Paper presented at the 19th Penn Linguistics Colloquium, UPenn. Philadelphia.

1994 Benedicto, E. & J. Runner (eds). Functional Projections. UMOP 17, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

1994 “TOPIC from a Syntactic Perspective” in Tema. Techniques et méthodologies modernes appliquées à l’Antiquité. Laboratoire Litala, Université Paris 7.

1994 “AGR, f-features and V-movement: Identifying pro” in E. Benedicto and J. Runner (eds), Functional Projections, UMOP 17, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

1993 “TOPIC from a Syntactic Perspective”. Paper read at the VII International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Jerusalem.

1993 “Mixed pro-drop Systems: Subject clitics and the (IP) functional projections”. Paper read at the Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL) XXIII, DeKalb, Il.

1992 "Algunas consideraciones sobre las oraciones de relativo restricivas y no-restrictivas" [Some Issues on Restrictive and Non-restrictive Relative Clauses], in Actes del IX Simposi d´ Estudis Clàssics de la Secció Catalana de la SEEC. Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia, Barcelona.

1991 "Latin Sentence Structure and Wh-Movement". Paper read at the Sixth International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics. Budapest.

1990 "L'ordinador i l'ensenyament del llatí"[Teaching Latin through Computers]. Paper read at the X Simposi d´Estudis Clàssics de la Secció Catalana de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos. Tarragona.

1989 "El reflexivo indirecto" in Actas del VII Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos, Madrid.

1988 "Algunas consideraciones sobre las oraciones de relativo restrictivas y no-restrictivas" [Some issues on restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses]. Paper read at the IX Simposi d´Estudis Clàssics de la Secció Catalana de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos. Sant Feliu de Guíxols.

1987 "Latin Long Distance Anaphora" . Paper read at the Workshop on 'Long Distance Anaphora' . Groningen (Holanda).

1987 "El reflexivo indirecto" . Paper read at the VII Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos. Madrid.

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