# jemdoc: showsource # jemdoc: menu{MENU.txt}{publications.jemdoc.txt.html} = ECE 301 Signals and Systems Fall 2016 {{}} == Rules Students will form teams, each of 4-5 members. The teams will then be grouped into 4 groups. \n\n The group stage consists of 5 matches. The duration of each match is 35 minutes (second half of the class). \n\n Each of the group stage matches will take place on a day where a new homework is assigned. \n\n In each match, the teams in each group will be given one or two problems of the new homework to solve in class. \n\n Each team will deliver one solution. Points will be accumulated throughout the group stage and the top 2 teams in each group will qualify to the playoffs. \n\n Playoffs will follow a knockout system and will consist of quarterfinals, semifinals, a third-place match and a final match. \n\n == Dates - Submitting Team Names and Members: Tuesday Aug. 30th. \n\n - Group Stage Matches: Thursdays Sep. 1st, Sep. 15th, Sep. 29th, Oct. 13th, Nov. 3rd. \n\n - Playoff Matches: TBD in November. \n\n == Grading and Points Each match will contribute to 3% of the final grade. The grades of any playoff match will be considered as bonus. For the competition, each group stage match has 12 points (total 60 points).