PARTICIPATION: Discussion sections are considered a crucial part of the course and are, therefore, mandatory. Excessive absence will result in reduction of your participation grade. 
ESSAYS: Your paper should be the correct length, typed and double-spaced, with conventional 1-inch margins and conventional 12-point font size. Always keep a hard copy/ duplicate for your own protection. 
LATE PAPERS: I will allow a grace period of one week without penalty as long as you provide some excuse by e-mail. Grades will be lowered a third of a grade per day following the grace period. 
EMERGENCIES: In the event of a major campus emergency, the syllabus is subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances.  You can contact me about changes in the event of an emergency by e-mailing me.

Plagiarism is the undocumented use of another's words or ideas. It is a crime that I take very seriously. If you are using someone’s ideas or words, you need to cite the source fully and properly. (That includes web site material.) Submitting someone else’s words as your own is the highest of academic crimes. The penalty for plagiarism is automatic failure for the course and disciplinary action from the university. I accept no excuses when it comes to this sort of act.




ENGL 373H: The Theory of SF&F


20%—Class Participation
15%—Mid-Term (Oct 13) 	
15%—First Paper (Oct 13)
25%—Final Paper (Nov 22)
25%—Final Exam (TBA)


The films and television shows on the timeline
Course website and Guide to Theory
Course Readings (available in Dropbox)http://www.cla.purdue.edu/english/theory/shapeimage_3_link_0