Energy-Economy Interactions

Johnson, David R., Nathan B. Geldner, Jing Liu, U.L.C. Baldos and Thomas W. Hertel. (2023) “Reducing US Biofuels Requirements Mitigates Short-term Impacts of Global Population and Income Growth on Agricultural Environmental Outcomes”, Energy Policy.

Ordonez, Brayam Valqui, Mort D. Webster, Shanxia Sun, and Thomas W. Hertel. 2022. “Technology Adoption in Electricity Markets: Game-Theoretic Framework Approach for Coupling Market Models”, Energy Journal.

Peters, J. C. and T. W. Hertel. (2016) “The Database-Modeling Nexus in Integrated Assessment Modeling of Electric Power Generation”, Energy Economics 56:107-116.

Peters, J. C. and T. W. Hertel. (2016) “Matrix Balancing with Unknown Total Costs: Preserving Economic Relationships in the Electric Power Sector”, Economic Systems Research

Hertel, T., W., J. Steinbuks and W.E. Tyner, (2015) “What Is the Social Value of Second Generation Biofuels?”, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, doi: 10.1093/aepp/ppv027.

Steinbuks, J. and T. W. Hertel (2014) “Confronting the Food-Energy-Environment Trilemma: Global Land Use in the Long Run”, Environmental and Resource Economics

Liu, Jianguo, Harold Mooney, Vanessa Hull, Steven J. Davis, Joanne Gaskell, Thomas Hertel, Jane Lubchenco, et al. 2015. “Systems Integration for Global Sustainability.” Science 347 (6225): 1258832. doi:10.1126/science.1258832

Hertel, Thomas, Jevgenijs Steinbuks, and Uris Baldos. 2013. “Competition for Land in the Global Bioeconomy.” Agricultural Economics 44 (s1): 129–38. doi:10.1111/agec.12057.

Hertel, T., W. and W.E. Tyner (2013) “Market-mediated Environmental Impacts of Biofuels”, Global Food Security

Taheripour, F., Hertel, T. W., and J. Liu (2013). “The Role of Irrigation in Determining the Global Land Use Impacts of Biofuels”, Energy, Sustainability and Society 3:4 doi:10.1186/2192-0567-3-4.

Golub, A. and  T. W. Hertel (in press). “Modeling Land Use Change Impacts of Biofuels in the GTAP-BIO Framework”, Climate Change Economics Vol. 3, No. 3 (2012) 1250015 (30 pages), doi:10.1142/S2010007812500157 .

Beckman, J., T. W. Hertel, F. Taheripour and W.E. Tyner (2011). “Structural Change in the Biofuels Era”, European Review of Agricultural Economics, doi:10.1093/erae/jbr041.

O’Hare, M., M. Delucchi, R. Edwards, U. Fritsche, H. Gibbs,T. Hertel, J. Hill, D. Kammen, D. Laborde, L. Marelli, D. Mulligan, R. Plevin and W. Tyner (2011). “Comment on ‘Indirect land use change for biofuels: Testing predictions and improving analytical methodologies’ by Kim and Dale: statistical reliability and the definition of the indirect land use change (iLUC) issue”, Biomass and Bioenergy doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2011.08.004.

Villoria, N. and T.W. Hertel (2011). “Geography Matters: International Trade Patterns and the Indirect Land Use Effects of Biofuels”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 93(4):919-935.

Taheripour, F., T.W. Hertel and  W.E. Tyner, (2010). “Biofuels and their Byproducts”,  Biomass and Bioenergy, 34: 278-289

Hertel, T.W., W.E. Tyner and D.K. Birur, (2010). “Global Impacts of Biofuels”, Energy Journal, 31(1):75-100.

Britz, W. and T. W. Hertel, (2009). “Impacts of EU Biofuels Directives on Global Markets and EU Environmental Quality: An integrated PE, Global CGE analysis”, Agriculture, Ecosystems and the Environment, doi:10.1016/j.agee.2009.11.003

Hertel, T., A. Golub, A. Jones, M. O’Hare, R. Plevin and D. Kammen (2010) “Global Land Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impacts of US Maize Ethanol: Estimating Market-Mediated Responses”, BioScience  60(3):223-231.

Taheripour, F., T.W. Hertel and W.E. Tyner (2011). “Implications of the Biofuels Boom for the Global Livestock Industry: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis” Agricultural Economics
http://doi: 10.1111/j.1574-0862.2010.00517.x

Keeney, R. and T.W. Hertel (2009).  "The Indirect Land Use Impacts of United States Biofuel Policies: The Importance of Acreage, Yield, and Bilateral Trade Responses", American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91(4):895-909.

Golub, A., T. W. Hertel, F. Taheripour and W. E. Tyner  (2010). “Modeling Biofuels in General Equilibrium”, Chapter 6 (pp. 153-187) in J. Gilbert (ed.), Frontiers of Economics and Globalization Vol. 7, Emerald Publishing.

Hertel, T. W. and J. Beckman, (2011). “Commodity Price Volatility in the Biofuel Era: An Examination of the Linkage Between Energy and Agricultural Markets”, in The Intended and Unintended Effects of U.S. Agricultural and Biotechnology Policies, edited by Joshua Graff Zivin and Jeffrey Perloff, NBER and University of Chicago Press.

Birur, D.K., T.W. Hertel, and W.E. Tyner  (2009). “The Biofuels Boom: Implications for World Food Markets”, Chapter 4 in: The Food Economy: Global Issues and Challenges, edited by Frank Bunte and Hans Dagevos, Paris: OECD.