Welcome to the Hellenic Student Association at Purdue University

The Hellenic Student Association (HSA) is a non-profit, non-political and non-discriminant organization with primary goal to promote the Greek culture and provide a warm environment for Greek and Cypriot students at Purdue University. As an organization, we foster fellowship among members of the Greek academic community, assist new students, provide useful information about ethnic or cultural issues and welcome everyone who is interested in learning more about Greece to participate in our bonding social events and community activities. During the year we organize cultural events that are associated with Greek customs, food, music, and dancing and everyone is welcome to participate; your interest in Greek culture is enough! Our members are not limited to academics, but we further welcome Greeks/Cypriots and friends of theirs from the Greater Lafayette area.

Please excuse our appearance and any links that are not working. We are still building our site :) Thanks!
HSA Purdue Board