The Goals of ILTC

(1)To have close connection with other Taiwanese student assocaitions (mainly TSA, but with PTSA, and UCSA, too.)
(2) To have close connection with the local Taiwanese community. Most of them are the faculty and staffs of Purdue. There are also a number of them working in the Great Lake Chemical Company in West Lafayette. Some of them are the parents of the "Chinese Primary School" and the members of the Buddhist Club.
(3) To have close connection with the overall Greater Lafayette community. In general, people here do not know us. Last earthquake let many more of the local residents concern Taiwan. However, we don't want to always wait for this kind of tragedy to draw people's attention. So we may want to host some more events that are English speaking and are opened to public. This also means that we are going to try to expose ILTC and Taiwan to the local media (Expontent, Journal and Courier, Indianapolis Stars, Local TV/Radio station .....)
(4) To have close connection with TSA's of universities around. We are strong in science and engineering and pretty much lack of input of Arts and Humanities. In this aspect, we may invite our friends in U. of Chicago or IU as guest speakers.
To to able to obtain the above four goals, I propose some events for the next semester:
(1) New year Dinner Party When Purdue still had CSA (Chinese Student Association), CSA had new year dinner with the Chinese Primary School every year. I have talk witht the staffs in the primary school and they showed interested to continue the tradition. I suggest we may orgainze this event with TSA so we can have have a better connection with TSA and local Taiwanese community.
(2) 2/28 Memorial 2/28 is an event that ILTC insists to host every year and has been part of our tradition. This year, I suggest that we may present the memorial in English, and invite the whole Lafayette community to come to understand more about Taiwan.
(3)Taiwanese Cultural Night In the Fall semester, we had hosted a Taiwanese Folksong Festival. However, it was overshadowed by the 9/21 earthquake. I propose we could do the same thing again. However, I plan to do this like the 2/28 memorial. This means that this event will be opened to public so more people (Taiwanese and non-Taiwanese) can know more about Taiwanese culture and history. If possible, we may, for example, invite IU music major students to play instruments for our Taiwanes songs.
(4)Speech Presented by Guest Speakers We may invite students or professors from other universities to present their specialties to our audience so it not only serve our members with more choices of speeches but also let us have a closer connection with other university. There are so much more that could be done, so please feel free to give more suggestions and we shall talk about it on this Friday.