Philosophers who "know their place in the world" (borrowing a phrase of David Hume's) do more than just philosophy.  We have families, pursue hobbies, freely undertake non-academic commitments, and so on.  Many of us aren't very good at them, much as Thales wasn't very good at the practical task of keeping out of a ditch.  (The servant girl who laughed, upon seeing the wise Thales pitch headlong into a well, oughtn't have laughed:  this is what we should expect of the philosopher.  If you see a philosopher with his zipper down or her slip showing or struggling to change a tire or the like, just remind yourself that philosophers aren't in general very good at practical matters because they're preoccupied -- and likely have been for some time -- with the great deep questions.  Whether you offer to assist them in working to better fit the proprieties of common life into their repertoire is up to you: but don't laugh.)  Whether we're very good at raising our families or pursuing hobbies or fulfilling non-academic commitments, those are all nevertheless important parts of our lives.

Herewith, then, some links, if you're curious about the non-philosophical interests of one philosopher. (Remember: it's all under construction.)




