English 203 Final Portfolio

Introduction to Professional Writing Research

Final Portfolio

The final portfolio consists of the three projects you have completed for class, all significantly revised using peer comments and my written responses. To revise means to rethink, reconsider, rework, and rewrite to the best of your ability. It also means that you have considered the rhetorical purpose for the document/project and determined the best way to present that document/project according to its purpose. Revision does include editing, but it does not equal editing.

For the last few weeks of the semester, you will engage in revising your three projects so that they will serve as representations of your best work for the class. Most of our class time will be devoted to workshopping our projects and continuing the revision process. You may ask questions, ask for feedback from me and from your peers, as well as spend time in class working on your assignments.

Components and Format for the Portfolio

Your portfolio represents your best work for the semester, and so it should be presented in the most professional manner possible. The guidelines below should be followed when putting together and submitting your portfolio. I will dock points for each guideline not followed.

Final portfolios should be submitted in a two-sided pocket folder (I have extra pocket folders in my office if you need one).

Final portfolios should consist of the final, extensively-revised versions of your three projects from the course.

Make sure you staple or paper clip separately each of your final projects.

Make sure to provide running headers on each of your documents, meaning page numbers on the bottom or upper right hand corners of your pages.

You should create a cover sheet (aka Table of Contents), with your name, class, etc., as well as a list of all of your project titles and the order in which they appear.

Place all of the final copies of your projects in the right pocket of your folder with the cover sheet on top. Make sure that they correspond to the order listed on the cover sheet.

Place all drafts, instructor reviews, and peer reviews of your projects in the left pocket of your folder. Make sure that they correspond to the order or the final copies on the right.

Place your memo to me (see below) on the left side of your folder on top of these drafts.

Because Project #3 is partially digital, you should provide the url for the document on your cover sheet. If possible, you can also print a copy and include it in the portfolio (this is a safety measure in case Internet access in interrupted or something happens to your file).

Memo for Portfolio

For the final portfolio, you should compose a professional memo to me that discusses your portfolio and how it represents your work for the semester. This memo should present the projects in your portfolio and explain the revision choices you made for each of them. You might discuss the audience you intend for each project and how they work together or individually to achieve their rhetorical purpose(s). You might also reflect on how this portfolio represents your development as a Professional Writer. As such, you might consider where you think your writing is right now and what kinds of things you've learned about yourself as a future Professional Writer and Researcher and about the field in general.

Your portfolio is due on Thursday, April 30th by the end of class.

Note: Please feel free to pick up your portfolio next semester. However, I will not make any formal written comments on the portfolio.