The data set is stored in healthdata.txt It is a rectangular file with 1122 lines and 12 columns. Each line represents an observation and each column represents a variable. The variables are stored in the following order: 1. Drinking frequency: 1 = Never, 2 = Less than once a month, 3 = About once a month, 4 = 3 or 4 days a month, 5 = At least 1 or 2 days a week 2. Hispanic (Race) 3. Black (Race) 4. Cognitive test score 5. Education 6. Age 7. Having children before 8. Family income (\$10,000) 9. Biological parent alcoholic 10. Number of months treated for illness: 1 = No months, 2 = One month, 3 = Two months, 4 = Three months, 5 = Four to six months, 6 = Seven to twelve months 11. Youngest child female 12. Health problem