PPGA Pre-Season Tournament

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Kampen Golf Course




1st: Miller-Schumacher (79)

2nd Anderson-Graves (81)

3rd Ashlock-Maurer (82)

4th Mellish-Schuster (84)

5th Simmons-Wagner (86)

6th Jones-Mapes (87)

7th Richardson-Waddell (90)

8th Fuller-Mindrum (93)

9th Moore-Sabel (95)

10th Field-Kish (105)

11th Pearson (106)

12th Brown-Swihart (DNF)


#2 Closest to the Pin: Mindrum

#7 Longest Putt: Schuster

#13 Closest to the Pin:   Wagner

#16 Longest Drive:  Wagner