
This is the first picture of the Red Shoe in Europe. Barb, Katy, and Mindy are in a London pub. The bartender had never heard of Bass Ale.
The Red Shoe in a London hotel bathroom sink. This bathroom was so small, you could, uh, eliminate, wash your hands in the sink and your feet in the shower...all at the same time.
The Red Shoe at Westminister Abbey.
The Red Shoe at Buckingham Palace.
Barb and The Red Shoe at St. James Place, home of Prince Charles.
Ted and The Red Shoe in a London pub. Ted is NOT Cinderella. He proves it here.
Churchill dares Roosevelt to try on The Red Shoe. 
The Red Shoe (held by Bill) at the National Gallery. St. Steven's tower (which holds Big Ben) is in the background--fuzzy and out of focus.

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