Pig Latin

The ostriches are capable of reading and writing in multiple languages. They also know how to break codes. For some reason however, they can't understand pig-latin. This is the only known way for we at the R.A.O. to relay top-priority messages from operative to operative without the ostriches knowing.
This is a brief tutorial on the nature of pig-latin. Psychological tests performed on P.O.O.W.s (Prisoner Ostriches Of War) show that they not only cannot understand, but their minds can't even comprehend pig-latin. We believe that even if the ostriches get a hold of this web page, they still won't be able to learn pig-latin.

Most words in Pig Latin end in "ay." Use the rules below to translate normal English into Pig Latin.

1. If a word starts with a consonant and a vowel, put the first letter of the word at the end of the word and add "ay."

Example: Happy = appyh + ay = appyhay

2. If a word starts with two consonants move the two consonants to the end of the word and add "ay."

Example: Child = Ildch + ay = Ildchay

3. If a word starts with a vowel add the word "way" at the end of the word.

Example: Awesome = Awesome +way = Awesomeway

Putting It All Together

The sentence "Pig Latin is hard to speak." is written below in Pig Latin:

Igpay Atinlay isway ardhay otay eakspay.

Notice how "Igpay" is actually "Pig." Because the first character of pig is moved to the end, with "ay" added to the end, it makes Pig Latin very hard to read.

Decoding Pig Latin

Because Pig Latin is a method for translating words of the English language into a different language you can make up a code book for each commonly used word. Write your code book like a foreign language dictionary:

Pig Latin Plain English

airay air
odecay code
elphay help elphay emay otay ecoday.
emay me
otay to
ethay the

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