Purdue University

EAS 557

Introduction to Seismology

Robert L. Nowack

Lecture 11

Elastodynamic Equation in an Unbounded Medium:  Point Sources


            The solution of the elastodynamic equation when a source term is included is now investigated.  The elastodynamic equation can be written



Moving  to the right side and writing in vector notation



Now, using the vector identity , this can be written




where  and  are the P and S speeds.  If we let  be the input source function and  the resulting ground displacement, then we can write



where T is the differential equation in equation (1),  is the ground motion, and  is the source function.  Using an input-output diagram,





If the source function is a localized delta function in time and space, then the output ground is written  which is called the Green’s function.  This is similar to the impulse response discussed earlier with respect to linear systems.


            Let’s first look at the simple wave equation for the scalar potential







where .  We will use Fourier transforms to solve this.  Let,






This is a multi-dimensional, Fourier transform pair.


Note that similar to 1-D Fourier transforms, if



are Fourier transforms, then






Then, the scalar wave equation in the Fourier domain is .  If , then .  The solution to this can be written,



Transforming back to the time and space domain, then





 = the Green’s function for scalar wave equation


For the case where  is a constant, then there are analytic solutions in each of the domains.  The solution in different dimensions is given below, where c is wave speed.





for , the outgoing term is



            The geometric spreading term in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions for the wave amplitude is







In addition, the more complicated 2-D case has an amplitude term proportional to  in the  domain.  In fact, Green’s functions for the scalar wave equation in all even dimensional spaces are more complicated than Green’s functions for odd dimensional spaces.


            The basic idea is that if we know the Green’s function G(x,t), then for an arbitrary forcing function in time






where  is a time convolution



In 3-D, the Green’s function is



and for a source time function f(t), then



For a general distributed source function in x and time, then



            Let’s next look at the elasticdynamic Green’s function







which is a directed point force of position where  is acting in the x1 direction and f(t) is the source time function.  The multi-dimensional Fourier transform pair is












In the Fourier domain, equation (1) can be written




Taking a dot product with k gives



Since , then



Now using , equation (3) can be written



Then, using  for the first term on the right side












Fourier transforming equation (4) back to the time and space domain gives






and c is either  or .


Recall for the scalar wave equation in 3-D






If , where k is the component in x1 direction, then , where i is the component of displacement and 1 is the force direction.  This is the Green’s function for the elastodynamic equation.  


            For a point force in the x1 direction with time function f(t), then





    for the field “P” wave


     for the field “S” wave


     near field terms of combined P and S energy


where and  are radiation patterns and particle direction motion terms where  is the direction cosine from the source to receiver.



1)   Properties of the far field P waves for single force


a)   Attenuates as .


b)   Propagates waveform f(t) at speed .


c)   The displacement motion is parallel to the outward normal.  uP has longitudinal motion since the particle motion is in the direction of propagation.


d)   The directional radiation pattern motion is proportional to  where  is shown in the figure below.





2)   Properties of the far field S waves for single force


a)   Attenuates as .


b)   Propagates waveform f(t) at speed .


c)   The direction of particle motion is perpendicular to the outward normal.  Thus, uS has transverse motion


d)   The directional radiation pattern is shown below.





The Green’s function for homogeneous elastic medium at one position with time for directed point force looks like





where the energy between  and  results from the near field terms.  Although the Green’s function is for a single directed point force, in the Earth, forces usually come in balanced combinations.


A superposition of directed point forces can be used to simulate realistic sources for homogeneous, as well as heterogeneous media.  Then, for a heterogeneous media, the Green’s functions G may need to be computed numerically.


Examples of combinations of directed point forces include,


1)   Explosion





6 directed point forces (3 dipoles)



2)   Slip on small crack





A double set of couples


More complicated sources can be constructed by a superposition of Green’s function solutions.