Anime Crossroads event list

Anime Crossroads event list

Postby Krogan » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:56 am

Here is the event list. The times for each event can be found here

Friday’s Events
Opening Ceremonies
It is that time of year again! The time is finally here and it's time we start it off right and in style! Join us at opening ceremonies to find out just what's in store for this year's convention.

Guest Interview Panels
Been dying to ask those oh so curious questions to our voice actors? Come on over and check out their panels, you can ask away to your heart’s content.

Con Survival 101
Are you new to anime conventions, and looking to learn a few inside tricks and suggestions? From some former noobs to current ones, here's your survival guide to everything from "OH NO MY COSTUME BROKE!" moments to "I'm using this Death Note on my roommate RIGHT NOW" situations.

Gundam Models Technique
Have you ever wanted to learn how to do different techniques of painting and detailing GUNPLA Gundam model kits? Well now you can! This is a two hour long workshop of learning the more finer techniques of Gundam Models.

Anime Trivia
One of our most popular games! Either be the first one with your hand up and answer the trivia question correctly for a prize, or produce the item(s) that Marlon is asking for to win.

Fanfiction for the Serious Writer
Yes, you can write fanfic and still be a serious writer. We'll discuss plot points, POV, canon and characterizations and how to have a beginning, middle, climax and end to your story. We'll also discuss the enticing realm of turning from fanfic to pro.

QPUP Dance 101
QPUP is a dance group that has been together for almost 2 years, travelling to different conventions and dancing in the halls for the entertainment of all. During this panel you will learn the basics of dancing and what it takes to be a dancing cosplayer. We will learn steps from popular dances such as the Hare Hare Yukai and Love & Joy. Come to our panel so you can become a dancing cosplayer too!

Otaku Speed Dating 16+ and 18+
Looking to meet new people at the con? Speed dating is a "date" in the sense that you spend time another person. However, in speed dating, that time is limited to just a few minutes. We'll have people sorted into age groups. Fun fact: Body language is a factor in human courtship as a subconscious or subtle method of communication between potential mates. We would surmise that chemistry and body language account for about 95% of all romantic interest. You can usually figure out within a few minutes if you have chemistry with a person and also analyze body language subconsciously (or consciously).

Ultimate Hellsing Panel 18+
It’s Hellsing! Yes that’s right a panel about the show Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate! We will be discussing the many characters of the Hellsing Universe along with why Hellsing is Better than Twilight AND we will also be discussing the pairings of the Hellsing Universe!! Its guaranteed NOT TO SUCK!!

Cosplay Improv
All about Anime this improv show! Shoot out ideas and this improv troop will act on them, literally.

Anime Trivia 18+
One of our most popular games! Either be the first one with your hand up and answer the trivia question correctly for a prize, or produce the item(s) that Marlon is asking for to win. This one is for adults only.

History of Sake 21+
Learn about sake from its humble beginnings in the field to its finished place in the bottle.

Fanfiction for the Adult Writer 18+
We'll discuss cultural differences between the US and Japan in issues of sex, gore and violence. We'll discuss writing for the more mature reader and most especially we'll get into "when is it a story and when is it just a gory PWP?"

Karaoke Free-Sing
Tonight’s gonna be a good night! Your feet tired of dancing yet from the con all day? Back by popular demand it is Anime Crossroads’ Karaoke Night! Come over, exercise your vocals and have a little fun singing the night away.

Yuri Night 18+
Don your best PJs and just lay back and enjoy. This party goes all late-night long!

Saturday’s Events
Guest Interview Panels
Been dying to ask those oh so curious questions to our voice actors? Come on over and check out their panels, you can ask away to your heart’s content.

Have you seen the leek spinning turquoise pigtailed girl around and not known who she is? Well she is a Vocaloid and this panel is all about Vocaloids! Vocaloid is a voice synthesizing program created in Japan to sing all your favorite songs and even create new ones! Come to this panel to learn about and talk about all the ins and out of Vocaloid! Even learn about the fan created Vocaloids known as UTAU. If you are a long time fan or are just now getting interested in the Vocaloid fandom than this is a panel you don't want to miss!

Are You A Cat Girl?
Discussion about catgirls: their habits, and their fetishes.

Name That Anime Tune
That's right! No con is complete without Anime Name That Tune! We are proud to present this fast-paced game that has a classical spin off of the game show, Name That Tune. Though - there is a true challenge behind this madness. Only anime openings and ending themes will be played but do you think you have what it takes to be our next winner? Anyone and everyone can try out and play at this exciting event. Even the audience members will be able to earn the chance to get prizes, as long as they can Name That Anime Tune!

How to Bento on $5
Attendees will be given instructions in the preparation of bentou style lunchboxes. Bentou friendly recipes will be discussed, and attendees will have the opportunity to create their own bentou. This class requires a $5 fee to participate.

“Go” Strategy Game Workshop
Have you ever wanted to learn GO? It is arguably the premier cultural game of Japan. Go is an ancient game invented in China between 2500 to 4,000 years ago. By all appearances, it's just two players taking turns laying stones on a 19×19 (or smaller) grid of intersections. But once its basic rules are understood, its complexity surfaces. One can see why many people say it's one of the most elegant brain-burning abstract games in history, with players trying to claim territory by walling off sections of the board and surrounding each other's stones.

Cosplay Pre-Judging
Want to be in the Cosplay Contest and Theatre? Then get in line for the Pre-Judging! You don’t get in unless you go through the Pre-Judging first. It starts at 10AM on Saturday, so get up and get your best cosplay on and put your get your best skits together. We’ll see ya there!!
Bizarre Asian Snacks
Behold the bizarre, exotic, and sometimes nightmarish snacks of Asia. Samples may be given out, if you dare.

How to Make A Plushie Mascot $5
Have you ever wanted to make your own little mascot, but don't have the sewing knowledge, time, or help to do so? The award winning "How to Make Your Own Plushie Mascot" panel will show you how to make a 5"-8" fleece plush doll. The panel will run about 2 hours long and there will be a $5 fee to participate. Materials will be supplied, including a wonderful sewing kit, but seating is limited to the first 100 people through the door. Hosted by Stefanie Shall of Otakumals (

Guest Autograph Signings
Throughout the con there will be many multiple times in which you can get autographs from your favorite guests. So don’t worry if you miss one, you can catch another the next day!

Cosplay on A Budget
Cosplaying on a budget. Learn how to make a great cosplay without tons of money! Learn the best places to find things for your cosplay and how to use your new found bargain hunting skills!

Parent’s Guide to Anime
Conventions can be a lot of fun. Whether you are an avid anime fan introducing your child to their first convention or a parent reluctantly convinced to play chaperone, you can still have a great time at an anime con with your kids. We’ll cover the basics and the need-to-knows for you at this panel!

Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Thanks to Lambo's Bazooka acting up again, some people from Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, have landed in our world. Come and ask them questions before time runs out!

Cosplay Contest
You've been working hard to make the perfect costume, and the Izumicon Cosplay Contest is your time to shine! Dress to impress our judges, and strut your stuff for the crowd for a chance to win big!

How to Draw Anime
Basics and advance techniques in drawing anime and manga artstyle.

Otaku Court
Put your favorite hero or villain on trial.

AMV Contest
The Anime Crossroads Anime Music Video (AMV) contest is a wonderful opportunity for editors of all skill levels to display and compete with their video editing and story telling abilities using Japanese Animation aka Anime.

Para Para 101
In my panel i will be showing a few Para Para dances, and then teach the Hare Hare Yukai, a popular para para that lots of people know of. I will explain what para para is, and why they are so fun. While showing the Para Para's on the screen i will point out key tricks to do certain moves. Then when i teach the Hare Hare Yukai, i will it in steps so that there is a system to learn it

Kimonos in History
A very fine Kimono collection from Japan. Learn the history and see the beauty of Kimonos throughout the ages in Japan.

The X-ing Dance
A classic. What’s a con without a dance? It’s like peanut butter without jelly. And the X-ing (Crossing) is no different. So we’re not skipping out on this one this year. Featuring the infamous DJ l33t all the way from Oklahoma is here! We’re also going to be rolling out with a brand spanking new sound system that will be sure to keep you dancing all night long!!

Iron Lolita
Teams of three will have one hour to construct an Elegant Gothic Lolita fashion from materials provided (newspaper, trash bags, duct tape, etc.). Entrants will have the opportunity to strut their stuff before the audience, and the best entries will be awarded prizes.

My Immortal: A Fanfiction Bash 16+
Celebrating the world's most infamous of fanfiction, Tara Gilespie's 'My Immortal', and other shames to the English language via the interwebs (, Youtube, and Livejournal).
We'll discuss some famous scenes from these Fanfictions, hilarious typos, Mary Sues, the fame these stories have recieved, and what makes our heads ache the most about them.

Key Visual Arts Fandom
A fun discussion on one of the slowly growing fandoms in the world; the works of Key Visual Arts (the makers of Air, Clannad, Kanon, etc).

Otaku Speed Dating 18+
Looking to meet new people at the con? Speed dating is a "date" in the sense that you spend time another person. However, in speed dating, that time is limited to just a few minutes. We'll have people sorted into age groups. Fun fact: Body language is a factor in human courtship as a subconscious or subtle method of communication between potential mates. We would surmise that chemistry and body language account for about 95% of all romantic interest. You can usually figure out within a few minutes if you have chemistry with a person and also analyze body language subconsciously (or consciously).

Unplugged Guests Panel 18+
Unplugged, Unscripted, Uncensored. Listen to our guests tell and say all about anything (and we do mean ANYTHING).

Karaoke Free-Sing
Tonight’s gonna be a good night! Your feet tired of dancing yet from the con all day? Back by popular demand it is Anime Crossroads’ Karaoke Night! Come over, exercise your vocals and have a little fun singing the night away.

Death Note Mafia
Death Note characters take the main roles of this anime-themed interpretation of the popular party game where you must work with a team who could turn against you at any time. In each round, the randomly selected Kira anonymously removes a player, then all remaining players deliberate who should be sacrificed in the hopes of eliminating Kira. The rules will be explained, so prior knowledge of the game and the series is not required. Can the investigators defeat Kira without falling prey to the Death Note?

Hentai PJ Party 18+
Don your best PJs and just lay back and enjoy. This party goes all late-night long!

Yaoi Night 18+
Boys, boys, boys! This is one yaoi night you can’t miss.

How to Draw Hentai 18+
Tips and advanced techniques in drawing the raw human form in various idiosyncrasies of hentai.

Sunday’s Events
Found Objects and Ghetto Contest
Grab your random object and be a part of this year's latest fashion craze contest!

Anime Club How-to
This panel will focus on how to start an anime club, either in a private or school setting, as well as ideas for improving existing clubs, and troubleshooting common problems.

Anime Jeopardy
3 Qualifying contestants will compete in an anime themed version of the game show classic. Trivia will span a variety of genres and topics.

How to Make A Plushie Mascot $5
Have you ever wanted to make your own little mascot, but don't have the sewing knowledge, time, or help to do so? The award winning "How to Make Your Own Plushie Mascot" panel will show you how to make a 5"-8" fleece plush doll. The panel will run about 2 hours long and there will be a $5 fee to participate. Materials will be supplied, including a wonderful sewing kit, but seating is limited to the first 100 people through the door. Hosted by Stefanie Shall of Otakumals (

Coloring Contest Judging
Coloring contest will be going on during the whole convention. Judging will be done Sunday morning. Prizes will be given out on Sunday

EGL/Cosplay Photoshoot and Meetup
Information will be given on how to plan, advertise, and host a photoshoot meetup outside of a convention setting. Tips on locations, activities, and troubleshooting will be given.

Con Cooking
If you're getting tired of pocky and soda by the end of the week? Here's a panel to teach you how to eat for cheap and cook during cons. (Extended talking point from Con Survival 101)

aniMAYHEM Trivia Quiz
Two back to back half hour trivia contests, where 3 teams of 3 individuals go against each other in a battle of anime knowledge for prizes (I have all the prizes we need, so you need not worry). This panel is for all ages and anyone can participate but it is a first come first served basis. However as I said we will be playing two games back to back and we will get 9 new people to play the second game, because the 2 teams that both won a game will face each other in a final lightning round.
We have the question boards on a laptop and all we will need is a room with a screen and a projector that we can hook out laptop up to.

THE RULES: I will ask a Toss-Up Question to the 3 teams and the team whose member presses their buzzer first and gets the answer right may choose the first category.

The game is almost a carbon copy Jeopardy with the exception that people DO NOT have to answer in the form question. There will 3 rounds where the first 2 are "Normal Rounds" and the last is a "Wager Round". The group whose member pushes the buzzer first after a question is read will be given a chance to answer. If the person gets the answer wrong the whole team will lose points and someone else can try to answer or if they get the answer correct they will earn points and get to choose another category question.

The question boards will have 5 CATEGORIES across the top and 5 DIFFICULTY LEVELS running down the board. Categories will also change every round when all of one boards questions are gone. And as I said, after the end of the first game, we will invite 9 new people up to form 3 new teams of 3. And the two victorious teams will face each other for the championship.

Anime Swap
A chance for con attendees to exchange anime, manga, or other related items to exchange with other con attendees

Guest Interview Panels
Been dying to ask those oh so curious questions to our voice actors? Come on over and check out their panels, you can ask away to your heart’s content.

How to Make Your Text RPs Better!
Ever wonder just how to improve your text RP through your writing style? Well this panel should help you out!

Guest Autograph Signings
Throughout the con there will be many multiple times in which you can get autographs from your favorite guests.

Gotta Catch ‘em All!
This is your informational pokemon DS panel. Bring your DS if you got em!

The Art of Duct Tape and Foam Weapon Making
A workshop on making dueling-quality weapons with duct tape and foam taught by the duct tape clad master, The Duct Tape Blacksmith. Trade secrets and ideas one should be killed for uncovering (or at least hit with a foam weapon.) Weapon techniques designed for cosplay and casual boffer dueling. Focus on making custom designs that won't fall apart with the first hit. Limited supply of free materials to build your own weapon on a first-come-first-serve basis.

State of the Industry Panel
Jump on board as our guests in the industry of producing anime and manga talk with the audience about issues, current events, and other funstuff. If there's time, a Q&A session where you can ask the guests questions directly may take place!

Closing Ceremonies
That’s all folks! It's been a long, exciting, and exhausting weekend, but as they say: all good things must come to an end. Join us for our last huzzah together as we say “Sayonara” to everyone. Be sure to stick around when we reveal previews for Anime Crossroads 2010!
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Re: Anime Crossroads event list

Postby digispirit » Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:45 am

as a note, we're the ones hosting Otaku Court, so be sure to stop by :p

Unfortunately, most panels I go to these days are all talk about "What is this?" and that's it to people the usually already know what it is. Dunno about Anime Crossroads' stuff though.
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