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PAC Classic MLK Day Marathon 1/18

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:26 pm
by madmantheo
Greetings and salutations!

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is upon us, and that means that PAC Classic will be hosting it's 11th annual MLK Day Marathon. In lieu of one of our regular PAC Classic Monday night meetings, we'll instead be convening at an off-campus location to consume an unhealthy amount of anime over the course of the day. In years past, we've watched entire 26 episode series, multiple shorter series, and a multitude of movies, and those in attendance will get to determine what all we watch this year.

Chuck has been gracious enough to host this prestigious event the past several years, and he has once again volunteered his home to us for the day. The plan is for people to arrive at 1pm, whereupon we shall go over a few possible shows and vote to see which we end up watching. In addition, Chuck will be preparing a heaping pot of his famous curry, so dinner should be covered for all those in attendance.

As this is an off-campus event, transportation might need to be arranged for people. For those capable of driving themselves, Chuck's address is 2613 Kossuth Street, Lafayette, Indiana. For anybody that would be interested in attending and doesn't have a transportation, be sure to get in contact with me or post here in this thread, and we'll work out rides from campus or other locales. Additionally if you have a car and would be gracious enough to provide rides, let me know how many people you can transport, and I'll get you in contact with them.

This is a PAC Classic event, but those that don't regularly attend our meetings are always welcome. This is an open event for the entire club that will hopefully introduce people to classic anime they may not have ever watched otherwise or get them reacquainted with a great, older series or two. As per usual, the general cut-off line for a "Classic" show for our purposes is 7 years, but there is some wiggle room if people have anything they particularly want to watch that doesn't make the cut. If there's a show that you'd like to make sure is a possibility for our marathon, please let us know, and we can see about acquiring it if we do not have it already.

Lastly, dinner will be provided for everybody, but it would be fantastic if people could bring some snacks or drinks along to share with others. Alcoholic beverages are welcome since this is an off-campus event, but we'll make sure nobody gets too inebriated.

I hope to see plenty of people there and look forward to sharing a fun day of anime watching with you all!