Mirai Nikki

Mirai Nikki

Postby KaliWalbring » Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:36 am

Here for Synopses.
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Episode One

Postby KaliWalbring » Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:36 am

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Amano Yukiteru is a quiet kid who likes to keep a journal on his cell phone. His imaginary friend Deus Ex Machina, Lord of Space and Time, signs him up for a "game". As it turns out, Deus is a bored god and the game is death. His life is now held in his phone, which predicts the future. Using this, he must kill twelve others or die trying. He has already killed Third with the help of Second. But Second is also a crazed stalker in his class...
Posts: 224
Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:17 am

Episode Two

Postby KaliWalbring » Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:54 pm

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Oh holy crap! Yuki is attacked at school by the 9th keeper, Uryuu Minene and she blows his mind! Or at least his school. Up. Yuki makes a decision to use Yuno and she all good with that. An epic game of cat and mouse and half the school is dead. Yuki runs to friends, HE HAS NO FRIENDS! They throw him to the crazy chick. Between Yuno and Fourth (a homicide detective using the Case Diary) Yuki manages to wound Minene, destroying one of her eyes, after running through a mine field of course. But oh no! Minene has the Escape Diary and gets away on a motorcycle (that was probably hidden in her skirt). Later the Future Diary Alliance is formed! What will happen next?
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Episode Three

Postby KaliWalbring » Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:04 pm

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The Alliance implements a plan to draw out Minene, by spending the day at an amusement/water park! Yuki is a wimp on roller coasters and Yuno is almost normal (even when she loses her bikini top in the lazy river). Yuno is also just as wimpy as Yuki during the haunted mansion tour (weird foreshadowing!!).Minene, meanwhile, is hiding out and trying to find the perfect escape, but someone keeps changing her future! We find out that Yuki kinda sorta proposed to Yuno several years ago when they were the last ones to fill out there future plans forms. They walk home in the rain and elsewhere Minene is "rescued" by a stranger. A stranger with a bag over his head and illusion skills?!?!? Yuki opens a door at Yuno's house and changes the game and the future forever! What else is in there other than bodies. Lot of bodies. Lots of rotting bodies. Yuki runs home and who tells him goodnight through the mail slot? Yuno does, of course. Because creepy stalker chicks like a good challenge. What will happen next? Find out next time!
Posts: 224
Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:17 am

Episode Four

Postby KaliWalbring » Wed Oct 10, 2012 7:03 pm

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Holy Crap! Yuki is trapped in a web of lies with the knowledge that Yuno will kill him if he tells anyone. Ninth is being held captive by a cult. A wild diary user appears! Omekata offers an exchange, ninth for Yuki (because he has survived). A crazy diary user is downstairs who believes he is the knight of justice, is a master at hypnosis, and has terrible fashion sense. Crazyman hypnotizes the cult followers leading to an all out axe battle (the chopping tool, not the deodorant). Ninth warns Crazyman about crazy Yuno, but he doesn't listen. Yuno kills a ton of people and forces Yuki to choose. Her insanity and life or Omekata and death. What will he choose?
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Episode Five

Postby KaliWalbring » Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:10 pm

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Choose! Can't leave her behind, can see the future but not past her fingertips. There was an accident and her (the blind cult leader's) parents were killed. Suddenly, the cult decides gang raping is the way to go. The crazy super hero uses a voice recorder as his diary and releases Ninth before he goes to confont everyone else. Twelth is blind, but has fantastic hearing, but he is no match for Yuno's insanity. Tsubaki betrays them all! Like an idiot, she kisses Yuki so obviously Yuno has to chop off her arm. Yuno, however, is sick and collapses after pushing Yuki to safety (gives him her diary too). He hides and they drag Yuno off. Over the loud speakers, Tsubaki decides that Yuno should be gang raped as well and Yuki finally grows a spine! He goes to save Yuno, choosing her over Tsubaki. Using the handball as a distraction, he kills Tsubaki! Yuki = 2 Yuno = 1
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Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:17 am

Episode Six

Postby KaliWalbring » Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:16 pm

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Suprise! Yuki's mom appears! Yuno breaks in to clean and prepare dinner, and to kind of ask mom's permission to have Yuki. The mother is a game programmer. Yuno wants to get married soon and Mother approves, to Yuki's horror. Of course when they find naughty magazines in his room, they aren't so happy. Naked baby pictures abound! Oh, and a child of a co-worker is going to stay with them. The co-worker and his wife were a part of the cult and are *gasp* dead! The child might have seen? In a quiet scene, Yuno reveals to us that she was going to torture Yuki's mother if she didn't give permission. The kid tries to kill Yuno with scissors by "tripping". He is a diary user!
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Episode Seven

Postby KaliWalbring » Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:26 am

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The creepy kid's on the toilet!!!! Yuno and Yukki killed his parents. Don't eat the tomatoes, they're poisoned. Whew, Yuno's paranoia saves them again. Now for a bath. An electrocution bath!?!?! The kids going to kill Yuno first, but Yukki gets a tip from his diary. He overloads the whole electric system by turning everything on, there by saving Yuno. Yuno tries to kill the kid and smacks Yukki's mother on the head with a hammer. It's hide and seek time. How is the kid getting his diary, Yuno meditates? By mail! Yukki grabs the package and opens it, but OH NO! It's filled with poison on this side (geez the mail system here...). Yukki's going to die! Yuno must get the cure from the kid in the house filled with poison. The kid has set traps to try to make Yuno gasp, but it won't work! Finally, he tries to electrocute her again. Yukki to the rescue. The kiss of life means the knife of death for the brat. Collapse. Ninth comes to administer the cure and warns him to get rid of Yuno soon.
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Episode Eight

Postby KaliWalbring » Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:19 pm

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Another diary user would like to transfer his diary to a third party. It's been two weeks since the incident with the kid. A new year starts, with a whole different class! A bully appears! But a girl stands up for Yukki. Friends? Yuki can make friends? They decide to visit the crime scene of a series of animal bite murders. Yuno comes along but she is not happy about these new friends. Terrible drinks abound. Hinata runs ahead to the observatory. Oh no the future has changed. Is Hinata hurt. Yuno "Yukki lets dich them and run away." No I must save my new friends. She's got an arm off! Aru Akise appears to save Yukki. Run, the dogs are coming for us. The diary user feeds his dog with steak and eats cup noodles himself. Made it to the observatory. Aru solves murders for fun. He knows Yuki and Yuno were involved but he's "sure" that they didn't anything wrong. Yuki uses his cellphone to save everyone from the dogs, then reveals his secret. It's all a lie! Yuki is taken captive. Hinata's still alive, she's going to take all the diaries! She wants Aru's diary first.
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Episode Nine

Postby KaliWalbring » Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:46 pm

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Hinata is the daughter of the real diary user. The diary directs the dogs. Get rid of Akise and I'll restart with you and your mother. Fate will be decided by a coin toss. Hinata's going to use both of the diaries in her posession to dominate the game! But wait. The future isn't what it seems. Akise's diary records everything. Hinata loses the first round and returns Yuki instead of the diary. They return to the game, but wait! Yuno is suspicious. Akise isn't a real diary user! He won using luck. He outmanuvers Yuno so she can't kill him. Resume the game. Akise's life vs Yuk's diary. Yuno and Akise scheme up a plan to save Yuki's diary. Yuno distracts Yuki and the future is changed! What to do?!?! Mao tries to destroy Yuki's diary and Yuno stabs her. Why is fate so cruel to Hinata? They try to run, but Hinata mobilizes the dogs. THe diary user was tenth. Yukki wants to save everyone and Yuno goes with him. Is he really so useless. She wants to ditch the others and run again. They make it back but Yuno goes in for the kill. Yuki makes a decision. Yuno is afraid of losing him to other friends. He declares Yuno his girlfriend and Tenth makes a vocal appearance. He says he fully intended to go back on his promise, just like the bad adult he is. Fourth delivers the killing blow.
Posts: 224
Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:17 am


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