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2012 Cosplay Resolutions: What's Yours?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:57 pm
by MomoKurumi
Decided to make a thread here, just to prove this topic is still alive!

My resolution is to finish all of my cosplays that I have currently started and premiere at least 10 cosplays this year! Some of them include Blue Rose from Tiger and Bunny, Nia Teppelin from Gurren Lagann, and Catwoman (from the animated series). Also going to try to update some of my current cosplays and get some lovely photos!

Some of the cosplays I intend to premiere this year:


There's a lot more, but I figure I'd better not spam up the forums or promise anything- I'm so ADD when it comes to cosplay and other art projects. XP