Purdue Anime Club, Officers, and You!

Purdue Anime Club, Officers, and You!

Postby chapel » Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:28 am

Since we are nearing the end of spring semester it is once again time to vote on officer positions within the club. Since a few people have been wondering what role does what, I decided to make a small post here with all of the positions and the jobs that come with each spot; also the requirements to hold an office. Any member of the club is welcome to run for these offices.

First off in order to be an officer of PAC you must meet 2 criteria:
1. Must be a full time Purdue University Student
2. Must be in good academic standing with the university

Officer Positions:

President: The most important job of the president is to sign up for rooms for fall/spring/summer semesters. The president's other jobs range from running the thursday night meeting of pac to deciding on dates for side items like Marathon, Cosplay Contest, T-Shirt Contest,officer Elections, as well as the Activities fair and Boiler Gold Rush (if we participate). Lately the president also makes a power point for our call out meeting.

Vice President: The VP's job is to fill in on any of the jobs above if the president himself is not at the meetings or is indisposed of on the current task.

: The two main jobs of the secretary are to do weekly sign-in sheets with quirky questions and to keep up to date on weekly synopses for all of the shows we are watching. Also anytime there is a vote (t-shirts, cosplay contest) its their task to keep tally.

Treasurer: The treasurer has the very important task of keeping track of the clubs financial assets. From keeping track on who has payed due's to paying officers back on items bought for club purpose they deal with all the money the club has/takes in.

Archivist: The archivist has the job of maintaining the 3 external hard drives that make up the archive. This entails keeping the files organized, making sure all the series have the correct episodes, and updating the archives with new unlicensed anime. They must also bring them to every normal anime club meeting.

Publicist: The publicist has the task of making the posters for fall and summer call outs. These are the fliers you have seen around campus during fall semester. Also hopefully the job of making a new club sign in the near future.

Audio/Visual Officer: The A/V Tech has the important job of having a laptop to run club off of. Anime shown at club is run from their personal laptop so codecs must be up to date. They must also know how to set up and dismantle the sound system we use for meetings. The A/V Tech can also show Anime Music Videos (AMVs) during break or before meetings.

Web-Master: The web master is charged with keeping the website up to date on a weekly basis with schedule info as well as room location. New AMVs or other related items can be placed on the main page as well as news for the coming weeks.
The reason why people lose is because they do not have Kamina to punch them in the face and tell them to believe in themselves.
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One True Former A/V Tech of the Sixth Heaven and the Keeper of Royal Information
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