Meeting minutes for Polish Student Organization Meeting date: Thursday, November 4, 2004 Meeting place: Village Coffee House Meeting purpose: Organizational meeting, discuss activities for the rest of Fall 2004 semester Attendees: 1. Tomasz Kozlowski 2. Patrycja Jaworska-Garrett 3. Agnieszka Szlezak 4. Bartlomiej Jankiewicz 5. Piotr Nyga 6. Andrzej Kwasniak Discussion: 1. Next Polish movie: "Sami Swoi" on Friday, November 12, 20:00 in RAWL 1011. 2. Dr. Leszek Lilien's idea of creating a committee to respond to anti-Polish events and media reports in USA was discussed. Part of the original email from Dr. Lilien (in Polish): > Czy PSO nie moglo by rozwazyc utworzenia grupy paru osob chetnych do > reagowania na antypolskie wydarzenia i doniesienia medialne podobne do > opisanych ponizej? (To niewazne, czy sa zamierzone czy wynikaja z > ignorancji - umacniaja falsz wsrod "typowych" Amerykanow.) > Jesli to potrzebne, chetnie sam bede sluzyl pomoca. All agreed it was a good idea but no one wanted to take a lead on it. We decided to ask Dr. Lilien if he would like to be PSO representative and write and sign the letters related to this matter as PSO representative. I will ask Dr. Lilien if he agrees to this. Everyone is encouraged to report anti-Polish events and media reports on Polish list 3. Mikolajki party was organized. It will take place first week of December at the Purdue Village Community Center, subject to room availability. Lilka will reserve a room, Patrycja will write email with invitation, I will update the webpage and send out the email. It has to be sent out early to collect names and allow sufficient time for buying gifts. The names will be chosen via a lottery, maximum gift price $3.00. Tomasz Kozlowski, November 8, 2004