Patrick Zollner


Associate Professor
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources

Forestry Building 307
195 Marsteller Street
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-2033
Office Phone: 765-496-9495
Lab Phone: 765-496-9510
Fax: 765-496-2422

Biographical Sketch


Research Interests

  • Behavioral Ecology of Ecological Landscapes
  • Landscap-Level Perceptual Abilities
  • Landscape-Level Search Strategies
  • Risk of Predation and Other Perceptions
  • Forest Management and Changing Landscapes
  • Animal Movements in Complex landscapes
  • Simulating Spatially Explicit Responses to Human Disturbance

Teaching Interests

For many students, science courses are among the most challenging aspects of their undergraduate education. These courses require the students to master a multitude of detailed facts, a suite of new techniques, and develop the ability to examine all of this unfamiliar information from a critical context. All too often, these challenges are framed around abstract theoretical concepts that the students cannot relate to their own lives or experiences. For student to understand the balance between the myriad details and general principles they are being taught they need to learn to see patterns in the world around them and to identify the processes underlying those patterns. Courses in wildlife ecology can help students learn how to identify such patterns in the ways that organisms live and to discern the processes that shape these patterns. As they examine the numerous exceptions to these general patterns and their causes, these courses also provide a wonderful opportunity to develop a healthy skepticism in students that will make them better scientists as well as better citizens.

Recent Publications

Other Publications




  • Zollner, P.A., Roberts, L.J., Gustafson, E.J., H.S. He, Mladenoff, D.J. and V.C. Radeloff. (In Review) Modeling the influence of forest management alternatives on patterns of ecological succession in Northern Wisconsin, USA . S ubmitted to Forest Ecology and Management .
  • Dumyahn, J.D., Zollner, P.A., and Gilbert, J.L. (In Revision) Home range level habitat selection of American marten in Wisconsin . American Midland Naturalist.
  • Fernandez-Juricic, E., P.A. Zollner, Le blanc, C. and Westphal, L.. (In Review). Response of nestling black crowned night herons to aquatic and terrestrial human disturbance. Submitted to Waterbirds .
  • Gilbert, J.G., Green, A.K., Green, Zollner, P.A. and Wright, J.L. (In Review) Seasonal field metabolic rate of American marten in Wisconsin . Submitted to Journal of Mammalogy .
  • Zollner, P.A., Gustafson, E.J., and S.L. Lima. (In Prep) Simulating the sensitivity of successful dispersal in fragmented landscapes to behavioral characteristics. To be submitted to Ecological Applications.
  • Zollner, P.A., Gilbert, J.H., Dumyahn, J., Woodford, J.E., White, T.S.. Russell, K.R. and Wright, J.L. (In Prep) Modeling landscape potential for home range establishment by American marten in Ecological Province 212J. To be submitted to Journal of Mammalogy.
  • Williams, B.W., Gilbert, J.H., and P.A. Zollner. Historical perspective on the reintroduction of the fisher and American marten in Michigan and Wisconsin . Gen. Tec. Rep. NC 06-150. Newton Square, PA : U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 29 p.
  • Radeloff, V.C., Mladenoff, D.J., Gustafson, E.J., Scheller, R.M., He, H.S., Zollner, P.A., and R. Akçakaya. 2006. Modeling forest harvesting effects on landscape pattern in Northwest Wisconsin Pine Barrens. Forest Ecology and Management . 236:113-126.
  • Crow, T.R., Cleland, D.T., DonnerWright, D.M., Gustafson, E.J., Lytle, D.E., Parker, L.R., Probst, J., Schulte, L.A., Sturtevant, B.R., and Zollner, P.A. 2006. Managing midwestern landscapes using ecological principles. In Chen, J, Saunders , S.C. , Brosofske, K.D., and Crow, T.R. eds. Linking ecology to landscape hierarchies. Nova Sciences Publishers, New York . p. 251-281.
  • Blumstien, D.T., E. Fernandez-Juricic, P.A. Zollner, and S. C. Garity. 2005. Inter-specific variation in wildlife responses to human disturbance: a review and synthesis . Journal of Applied Ecology . 42:943-953.
  • Harvey, S., Dumyhan, J., Zollner, P., Gilbert, J., Eklund, D., Matthiae, T. 2005. American marten Wisconsin habitat guide. Power point presentation on compact disk and accompanying brochure for forest managers.
  • Smith, W.P, and P.A. Zollner. 2005. Sustainable management of wildlife habitat and risk of extinction. Biological Conservation . 125:287-295.
  • Zollner, P.A., Gustafson, E.J., H.S. He, V.C. Radeloff, and D.J. Mladenoff. 2005. Modeling the Influence of Dynamic Zoning of Forest Harvesting on Ecological Succession in a Northern Hardwoods Forest . Enviromental Management . 35(4):410-425.
  • Zollner, P.A., and S.L. Lima. 2005. Behavioral trade-offs when dispersing across a patchy landscape. Oikos. 108:219-230


Professional Affiliations

American Society of Mammalogists, 1992 - present
  • Serving on Grants-in-Aid Committee 2000 - 2004
  • Serving on Program Committee, 2000 – present
  • Breakfast with a Scientists 2001

Animal Behavior Society, 1995 to present

Ecological Society of America, 1997 to present

The Indiana Academy of Science, 2007-present

U.S. chapter International Association for Landscape Ecology 1998 to present

  • Serving on Awards Committee 2000 - 2002
  • Chair of Awards Committee 2003 – 2005
  • Chair of Membership Committee 2006 - present
  • Lunch with a mentor 2002 – 2004
  • Served on Careers in Landscape Ecology Panel 2004
  • US IALE Executive Committee Member 2005 - 2007

The Wildlife Society, 2005 to present