Final Paper (10 pages minimum) – Recommended Structure


1.    State a thesis, explain what it is you intend to demonstrate or prove. Do this in the first paragraph.


2.    Explain the path of your discussion, the specific topics you intend to cover in the paper and the order in which you will present them. Alert the reader in advance to your path of inquiry so that the reader knows what to anticipate. Keep the reader fully in mind throughout your presentation by referring repeatedly to the path of inquiry and to your location in the path as you proceed through each section.


3.    Present an argument that marshals the ancient evidence (with documentation), arranged in a logical, coherent manner. Use Direct quotations to bolster your argument. Keep documentation consistent (Plut. Mar. p. 23, etc.; for scholarship, scientific notation is fine: author date: page; e.g. Rauh 1993: 225). List full bibliographical citations in the Bibliography.


4.    Summarize your argument in the conclusion, showing how the presentation confirms the thesis that you stated at the outset.


5.    Include a complete Bibliography in standard form (Author, Full Title, Place of Publication: Publisher, Date)