NOTES ON THE HANNIBALIC WAR                            

Hannibal Crossing the Alps                  Bust of Hannibal


Roman Factions of the Hannibalic War era


3 most powerful political factions at Rome


Fabian Group- Fabii Maximi, Manlii Torquati, Quinctii Crispinii & Quinctii Flaminini, plebeian branch of the Claudian family, known as Claudii Marcelli, the Valerii (Valerius Laevinus, Valerius Flaccus), M. Porcius Cato the Elder,  isolationist, backing in the infantry


Claudio-Fulvian Group, patrician Claudii (Claudius Nero, Claudius Pulcher), Fulvius Flaccus, Sempronius Gracchus – took a moderate stance between these two, sympathetic to urban underclasses


Aemilian-Cornelian group (Scipio-Aemilian group), Cornelii (Cornelius Scipio), Aemilii (Aemilius Paullus, Lepidus), Q. Caecilius Metellus, Furius, Pomponius, Livius Salinator, Aurelius, interventionist, had commitments with trading elements in Italy, wanted to project force overseas.


Hannibal evaded Scipio on the Rhone River, crossed the Alps, invaded Italy from the north in 218 BC, defeated Roman forces at Battle of the Ticinus and Trebia Rivers.


217, C. Flaminius (Lake Trasimene) novus homo –


Fabius Dictator 217, Minucius Rufus magister equitum


216 C. Terentius Varro, L. Aemilius Paullus


Incessant political disputes between “demagogues” and aristocracy


Battle of Cannae => Fall of Capua, Fall of Tarentum; King Phillip V of Macedonia, declared war on Rome and Greece, King Hiero of Syracuse died (215 BC), Rome suddenly confronted by Mediterranean “world war.”


212 BC. Siege of Syracuse by M. Claudius Marcellus


212 Siege of Capua, L. Valerius Flaccus


211 BC, the death of Scipio brothers in Spain


209 P. Cornelius Scipio, privatus cum imperio


Scipio in Spain 209-206, captured Spain for Rome


Hasdrubal driven from Spain, heads to Italy 208


Marcellus killed in ambush, 208


Consuls of 207 BC, Ti. Claudius Nero, M. Livius Salinator

Battle of the Metaurus River


Scipio elected consul for 205 to take command of Sicily


M. Porcius Cato (the Elder)


Hannibal recalled to Carthage 203 BC


Battle of Zama 202 (Masinissa)


RESULTS OF THE HANNIBALIC WAR (The Republican Regime Bowed, but did not Break)


1. Constitutional irregularities


M. Claudius Marcellus, consul, 222, 215, 214, 210, 208


Q. Fabius Maximus, 233, 228, 215, 214, 209, Dictator 217


P. Cornelius Scipio, privatus cum imperio at age 30 (209 bc), elected consul 205 (at the age of 34) (rex); he was assigned M. Porcius Cato as his quaestor


2. Financial irregularities


Roman publican scandal 215, Pomponius and Sulpicius


3. Destruction of farms throughout central and southern Italy


4. Seizure of Syracuse and Capua, M. Claudius Marcellus, Q. Fulvius Flaccus, Ap. Claudius Pulcher 212, Scipio’s campaign in Africa. Who should control Profits of War?