Coding Style

C Conventions (Python, too!)

Source files should be broken into manageable pieces with meaningful names. Every source file must have a comment block at the top identifying the name of the file, its contents, and revision history. (See Matlab exception, below.) A sample is (copyright is an optional element):

/* --- TRAJQ.C       Version 1.1
   --- This module continuously cycles through a trajectory specified by a series of 
   --- via points. Each via point consists of 6 joint values (radians), speed value (in percent), 
   --- and delay value (in seconds).
   --- Copyright 2001, Mark V Automation Corp.
   --- 02/28/01 RMV     Initial coding. Copied from moveq for TerminatorBot.
   --- 03/05/01 RMV	Seems to work. v1.0
   --- 05/01/01 RMV	Added support for specified delays between via points. v1.1
   --- */
Different languages have different syntax, but the idea is the same.

In addition, all functions will have a comment block immediately above it, describing what it does and any arguments and return values. Use frequent comments throughout the code that add meaningful information. Never add the following type of meaningless comments:

  a = 5;	/* assign 5 to variable a */
This comment doesn't add any information! Instead, do something like this:

  Qdesired = DEFAULT_GOAL_THETA; 	/* initialize theta desired prior to power up */
"Qdesired" is a more meaningful variable name and by defining a default goal value, you can refer to it repeatedly and only need to change it in one place.

Comment all source files and treat all code as if it will exist forever! Never assume test code or prototype code is not important or can be commented later. I may perform surprise audits on your working code and if it is not commented, you will lose points.

Some coding conventions we will follow:

MatLab Conventions

MatLab coding style is similar to C coding style. Some additions: To include a help block, put contiguous comments at the beginning of your function:

function Torque = myFunction(Force)
%%%	Torque = myFunction(Force, vizFlag)
%%%	This function computes the torque at all the joints of the PUMA 560 manipulator, given the desired force at the 
%%%		end effector. Gravity is considered. This is dependent on the Jacobian, which is computed internally.
%%%	Force - vector or optional matrix of generalized forces at the end effector: [Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz] in row-vector form.
%%%		  If multiple row-vectors are provided, the program steps through each one.
%%%	vizFlag - optional flag that displays a graph of the force vector if non-zero. (default is zero)
%%%	Torque - vector of torques of the six joints of the manipulator: [T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]. If Force is a matrix of 
%%%		   row-vectors, then Torque will have an equal number of row-vectors.

%%%	This comment is not part of the help as it is not contiguous.
%	Good place for revision history, etc.

NOTE: If you put a comment block at the very top of your file for a ".m" file, it will appear as your "help". So, the filename and revision history, as noted under "C Conventions", should not preempt the help. (You should always test functionality and "help" is no different!)

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Last modified on: September 18, 2019