Assignment: Found Object of Nature

UHP399 | Gardens & Machines | Fall 2009

ASSIGNMENT:  ‘Found Objects of Nature”
DUE:  8.September in class

I would like you to bring 2 found objects of nature to class on 8.September.  By found objects I mean: texts, photographs, advertisements, artworks (in the expanded sense, i.e. not only painting) or material objects.

Found Object 1:
This object should represent or indicate a personally meaningful idea or form of nature.  This object      should probably allow you to tell stories or describe experiences that are related to what nature means to you and the place it has or hasn’t had in your life thus far.

Found Object 2:
This found object should allow you to talk about – explain, describe—a form or idea of nature you are interested in understanding in more depth.  This object should fill your mind, and our discussion, with questions about nature.

Objects 1 and 2 might be closely related or they might be radically different.  Either case is fine.

What you need to do to prepare for discussion:
You should be prepared to talk about your objects for about 10 minutes:

1.  Object 1:  Explain what the object is and its connection to your personal understanding and experiences of nature.  What are the most important characteristics or features of this nature object or experience?  Why did you choose this object above all other possibilities?

2.  Object 2:  Again, explain what the object is.  How does this object differ, if at all, from your first object?  Why did you choose it?  Come up with a list of at least three questions that this object (or the combination of objects 1 & 2) inspires you to ask.

Where to look?
Everyday objects – cereal boxes, packaging in general
Scientific journals
Books/book covers
Walk through Lafayette or West Lafayette

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