Stadium Rescue Squad Constitution


The name of this organization shall be Stadium Rescue Squad.


The purpose of the Stadium Rescue Squad is to provide voluntary first aid services to people in and immediately around Purdue's Ross-Ade football stadium. Upon request, Stadium Rescue Squad may consider providing in part by any University recognized division, housing unit, club, or organization.


Section 1
Only Purdue University students are eligible for regular memberships in the Stadium Rescue Squad. Purdue University staff, faculty, and members of the community are eligible for associate membership. Associate membership can be granted by a simple majority vote of regular members. Associate members are entitled to the same privileges as members except that they have no voting authority.

Section 2
In order to work at football games, members or associate members must meet minimum requirements established by Purdue Safety and Security personnel and/or the Director of the Purdue Student Hospital. However, members of the Stadium Rescue Squad are not required to work at any football games in order to remain in this organization.

Section 3
Membership and participation in the Stadium Rescue Squad shall be free from discrimination based on race, religion, ethnic group, national origin, handicap, or gender. Some handicaps which hinder mobility or first aid performance could limit the member's ability to participate in some club activities, however.


Section 1
A president shall be elected at the end of each academic year. The president's term will be for the following academic year. The president will be elected by a simple majority at the last meeting of the academic year. To be eligible for this office, the candidate must be in at least his/her second year at Purdue and second year in Stadium Rescue Squad at the time of election. The candidate must also meet all requirements set by the University for club and organization officers.

Section 2
The president shall appoint a treasurer to serve during his term. To be eligible for this office, the appointee must be in at least his/her second year at Purdue at the time of appointment and meet all requirements set by the University for club and organization officers. In the absence of a treasurer, the president shall serve in this capacity.

Section 3
The president may appoint a secretary to serve during his term. To be eligible for this office, the appointee must be in at least his/her second year at Purdue at the time of appointment. He must also meet all requirements set by the University for club and organization officers.

Section 4
The faculty advisor shall be appointed by the Physical Education, Health, and Recreation Studies Department and will serve on an advisory basis as regulated by the University.

Section 5
Under special circumstances, a coordinator may be appointed by the faculty advisor to plan this organization's Ross-Ade Stadium football operations. This will only occur if the advisor and/or the president feel the president is unable to carry out the coordinating aspects of the football operations. The coordinator need not be a regular member of the Stadium Rescue Squad organization.

Officers and Duties

Section 1
The president shall be the head of this organization and preside over all membership meetings. The duties of the president shall include organizing the yearly callout meeting, CPR certification classes for members, and social activities. The president shall only vote on matters of business when it is needed to break a tie. The president has the authority to form committees and appoint regular members or associate members to serve on them. The president shall appoint three regular members to serve on the Appropriations Committee and three regular members to serve on the Emergency Committee. The president will serve as chairman of the Appropriations and Emergency Committees.

Section 2
The treasurer shall keep accounts, deposit this organization's funds, and make expenditures in a manner approved by the Office of the Fiscal Director of Student Finance. The treasurer shall serve as a member of the Appropriations and Emergency committees.

Section 3
The secretary shall keep written minutes of all meetings. It is the responsibility of the secretary to keep on file a copy of all written communications dealing with this organization's operations. A current list of all regular members and associate members shall also be kept by the secretary.

Section 4
If necessary, the coordinator appointed by the faculty advisor, if not a regular member of this organization, will have no voting power. The coordinator will be responsible for all activities associated with football game operations including personnel scheduling and securing of needed equipment and supplies.

Section 5
The Appropriations Committee will be responsible for making purchases authorized by this organization. This shall include apparel, equipment and supplies, awards, and other forms of recognition as deemed necessary by this organization.

Section 6
The president, treasurer, and other members of the Emergency Committee shall have the authority to act on behalf of this organization in matters that require immediate attention. The president must report on these matters and the decisions of the Emergency Committee at the next membership meeting.


Section 1
All amendments to this constitution or bylaws must meet approval by a two-thirds majority vote, and are subject to the approval of the Office of the Dean of Students.

Section 2
Any regular member of this organization may offer an amendment to this constitution or its bylaws. Amendments to this constitution must be prepared in writing in advance and presented to the president, secretary, and academic advisor no fewer than two days prior to its proposal in a meeting.

Section 1
A quorum at a membership meeting will be fifty percent of the current regular and associate members.

Section 2
The Emergency and Appropriations Committees will be formed at the beginning of each academic year. Other committees shall be formed as deemed necessary by the president.

Section 3
Elections shall be held for the office of president at the last meeting of each academic year. Anyone interested in holding this office and meets the requirements for this office should contact the president one week prior to the election meeting. No election shall be held without a quorum. Early balloting is permitted. Voting will be done by secret ballot. Fifty percent of the current full members must cast a ballot in order for the election to be valid.

Section 4
If the president vacates his office prior to his term expiring, the treasurer shall serve as acting president until a new election can be held to fill the position for the remainder of the term.

Section 5
There shall be no membership dues for this organization. However, monies may need to be collected to help offset costs of certain voluntary social activities.

Section 6
Membership meetings shall be called as needed to discuss and vote on business. Meetings shall only be held during the regular academic year when school is in session. There shall be no fewer than three membership meetings plus one callout meeting per year. All members should attend all meetings.

Section 7
All money taken from this organization's funds must be approved by either a regular membership meeting or by the Emergency Committee.

Amendment I shall hereby amend Article IV "Officers" in its entirety to read as follows:


Section 1
A president shall be elected from the Regular Membership at the end of each fall academic semester according to the Election Procedure set forth in the Bylaws, Section 2. The president shall serve for a term on one (1) calendar year.

To be eligible for this office, the candidate must be in his/her second year as a student of Purdue University and must have completed two (2) years of service to Stadium Rescue Squad at the time of the Election. In the event that no candidates having completed two (2) years of service to Stadium Rescue Squad run for election to this Office, the requirement for service to Stadium Rescue Squad shall be reduced to one (1) year. The candidate must also meet all requirements set forth by the University for holding office in a recognized student organization.

Section 2
A Vice President – Operations shall be elected from the Regular Membership at the end of each fall academic semester according to the Election Procedure set forth in the Bylaws, Section 2. The Vice President – Operations shall serve for a term of one (1) calendar year.

To be eligible for the Office of the Vice President – Operations, the candidate must be in his/her second year as a student of Purdue University and must have completed one (1) year of service to Stadium Rescue Squad at the time of the Election. The candidate must also meet all requirements set forth by the University for holding office in a recognized student organization.

Section 3
A Vice President – Personnel shall be elected from the Regular Membership at the end of each fall academic semester according to the Election Procedure set forth in the Bylaws, Section 2. The Vice President – Personnel shall serve for a term of one (1) calendar year.

To be eligible for the Office of the Vice President – Personnel, the candidate must be in his/her second year as a student of Purdue University and must have completed one (1) year of service to Stadium Rescue Squad at the time of the Election. The candidate must also meet all requirements set forth by the University for holding office in a recognized student organization.

Section 4
A treasurer shall be elected from the Regular Membership at the end of each fall academic semester according to the Election Procedure set forth in the Bylaws, Section 2. The Treasurer shall serve for a term of one (1) calendar year.

To be eligible for the Office of the Treasurer, the candidate must be in his/her second year as a student of Purdue University and must have completed one (1) year of service to Stadium Rescue Squad at the time of the Election. The candidate must also meet all requirements set forth by the University for holding office in a recognized student organization.

Section 5
A Secretary shall be elected from the Regular Membership at the end of each fall academic semester according to the Election Procedure set forth in the Bylaws, Section 2. The Secretary shall serve for a term of one (1) calendar year.

To be eligible for the Office of the Secretary, the candidate must be in his/her second year as a student of Purdue University and must have completed one (1) year of service to Stadium Rescue Squad at the time of the Election. The candidate must also meet all requirements set forth by the University for holding office in a recognized student organization.

Section 6
The President, the Vice President – Operations, the Vice President – Personnel, the Treasurer, and the Secretary shall collectively comprise the Executive Board. The President shall preside over the Executive Board. The rank of authority of the members of the Executive Board shall be according to the following descending order: (1) President, (2) Vice President – Operations, (3) Vice President – Personnel, (4) Treasurer, and (5) Secretary.

Section 7
The Faculty Advisor shall be appointed by the Health, Kinesiology, and Leisure Studies Department of the School of Liberal Arts of the University. The Faculty Advisor shall serve on an advisory basis, as regulated by the University for recognized student organizations.

Section 8
Under special circumstances, an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator may be appointed by the President to plan, execute, and review the rescue and emergency medical services operations provided by this organization. The appointee to this position need not be a Regular Member of this organization. The appointment of an EMS Coordinator will only occur if the President and the Faculty Advisor feel that the Executive Board is unable to successfully plan, execute, and review the coordinating responsibilities of the rescue and emergency medical services operations provided by this organization. The position of the EMS Coordinator may be dissolved, or the current EMS Coordinator may be replaced, at any time by the President and the Faculty Advisor, without recourse from the EMS Coordinator.

Amendment II shall hereby amend Article V “Officers and Duties” in its entirety to read as follows:

Officers and Duties

Section 1
The President shall be the head of this organization. The President shall be charged with the responsibility of (1) providing the ultimate leadership and direction of the rescue and emergency medical services operations, the educational activities, and the social activities provided by this organization, (2) promoting the highest standards of professionalism, emergency preparedness, patient care, and conduct expected in the rescue and emergency medical services fields, and (3) ensuring harmony among all of the Officers, the Departments, and the Members of this organization. The President shall preside over the Executive Board and all Membership Meetings. The President shall only vote on matters of business when it is needed to break a tie. The President shall have the authority to create, and dissolve, committees and to appoint, and remove, Regular and Associate Members as members of such committees. The President shall have the authority to disburse monies from the Treasury for any such disbursements authorized by the Executive Board. In the field, the President shall be referred to as the Chief.

Section 2
The Vice President – Operations shall be charged with the responsibilities of planning, executing, and reviewing the rescue and emergency medical services operations of this organization as related to emergency medical protocols and procedures, emergency medical command, codes of conduct, equipment, supplies, and communications. The Vice President – Operations shall be the head of the Operations Department and may appoint, and dissolve, a staff as deemed necessary. The Vice President – Operations shall act as a liaison for all other rescue and emergency medical services organizations and officials this organization encounters. The Vice President – Operations shall also be charged with the responsibility of planning, executing, and reviewing all social activities of this organization. In the field, the Vice President – Operations shall be referred to as the First Assistant Chief.

Section 3
The Vice President – Personnel shall be charged with the responsibility of planning, executing, and reviewing the rescue and emergency medical services operations of this organization as related to personnel recruiting, personnel training and certification requirements, personnel scheduling and assignments, uniform dress codes, attendance policies, awards and other forms of recognition, and educational activities. The Vice President – Personnel shall be the head of the Personnel Department and may appoint, and dissolve, a staff as deemed necessary. In the field, the Vice President – Personnel shall be referred to as the Second Assistant Chief.

Section 4
The Treasurer shall be charged with the responsibility of maintaining the trustworthiness and the accountability of the Treasury of this organization. The Treasurer shall be the head of the Treasury Department and may appoint, and dissolve, a staff as deemed necessary. The Treasurer shall have the authority to disburse monies from the Treasury for any such disbursements authorized by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall keep accounts, deposit the funds of this organization, and make expenditures in a manner approved by the Office of the Fiscal Director of Student Finance of the University. In the field, the Treasurer shall be referred to as the Third Assistant Chief.

Section 5
The Secretary shall be charged with the responsibility of maintaining the trustworthiness and the accountability of the administrative paperwork, documents, and files of this organization. The Secretary shall be the head of the Clerical Department and may appoint, and dissolve, a staff as deemed necessary. The Secretary shall be responsible for publication of this organization’s newsletter, The Stadium Rescue Squad Bullhorn. The Secretary shall keep: (1) written minutes of all meetings, (2) a copy of all written communications of this organization, and (3) a list of all Regular and Associate Members of the organization. In the field, the Secretary shall be referred to as the Fourth Assistant Chief.

Section 6
The Executive Board shall have the authority to act on behalf of this organization in matters that require immediate attention. The Executive Board shall authorize all expenditures and disbursements from the Treasury. The Executive Board shall review all inappropriate conduct of the Members of this organization and determine any disciplinary actions and/or expulsion to be taken against any Member for such inappropriate conduct. The President shall report on these matters and the decisions of the Executive Board (1) at the next Membership Meeting, and (2) through the organization’s newsletter, The Stadium Rescue Squad Bullhorn.

All decisions and actions of the Executive Board shall be made by a simple majority vote. Each member of the Executive Board shall be assigned one (1) vote. The President shall cast the deciding vote to break any ties.

Section 7
In the event an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator is appointed by the President in accordance with Article IV, Section 8, the EMS Coordinator shall be charged with the responsibility of planning, executing, and reviewing all of the rescue and emergency medical services operations of this organization and shall supersede the authorities of the Vice President – Operations and the Vice President – Personnel for such responsibilities. The EMS Coordinator shall remain subordinate to the President at all times. The EMS Coordinator, if not a Regular Member of this organization, shall have no voting power on matters of this organization’s business.

Amendment III shall hereby amend the Bylaws in its entirety to read as follows:

Section 1
A quorum at a Membership Meeting shall be fifty (50) percent of the current Regular and Associate Members.

Section 2
The Annual Election for the Offices of the President, the Vice President – Operations, the Vice President – Personnel, the Treasurer, and the Secretary shall be held during the fourteenth (14th) or fifteenth (15th) weeks of fall academic semester of the University at an Election Meeting called by the current President. The current President shall serve as the Judge of Elections and shall be responsible for ensuring fair balloting and validating the election results with the Office of the Dean of Students of the University.

Any Regular Member wishing to be elected to one (1) of these Offices, and who meets the requirements set forth in Article IV for holding the Office he/she wishes to be elected to, shall contact the current President one (1) week prior to the Election Meeting to declare himself/herself as an eligible candidate for the Office he/she wishes to be elected. A Regular Member may declare himself/herself as an eligible candidate for more than one (1) of these Offices, but shall only be elected to one (1) Office.

A quorum, as prescribed in the Bylaws, Section 1, must be established in the Election Meeting in order for the Annual Election to be conducted. Early balloting shall be permitted. Voting shall be performed by secret ballot. Fifty (50) percent of the current Regular Members must cast a ballot in order for the Annual Election to be valid.

The newly elected President, Vice President – Operations, Vice President – Personnel, Treasurer, and Secretary shall assume their respective Offices and duties at 12:01 AM on the Sunday beginning the sixteenth (16th) week of the fall academic semester of the University.

Section 3
In the event the President vacates his/her Office prior to his/her term expiring, the Vice President – Operations shall serve as the Acting President until an Election Meeting can be held to elect a new President to fill the Office for the remainder of the term. If the Vice President – Operations also vacates his/her Office at the time the President so does, the chain of succession for Acting President shall be: (1) Vice President – Personnel, (2) Treasurer, and (3) Secretary. The Election to fill the Office of the President shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures used for the Annual Election as set forth in the Bylaws, Section 2, Paragraph 3. Any Regular Member wishing to be elected as the new President must meet the requirements prescribed in Article IV, Section 1, for holding the Office of the President.

In the event the Vice President – Operations, the Vice President – Personnel, the Treasurer, or the Secretary vacates his/her Office prior to his/her term expiring, the President shall appoint a Regular Member to fill the Office for the remainder of the term. The appointee must meet the requirements prescribed in Article IV for holding the Office he/she is appointed. An Acting President shall not be permitted to make any appointments to these Offices.

Section 4
There shall be no membership dues for this organization. However, monies may need to be collected to help offset costs of certain voluntary social activities.

Section 5
Membership Meetings and Executive Board Meetings shall be called by the President as needed to discuss and vote on the business of this organization. Membership meetings shall only be held during the academic year when the University is in session. All Regular and Associate Members should attend all Membership Meetings.

Section 6
All monies disbursed from the Treasury of this organization must be approved by either the Regular Membership during a Membership Meeting or by the Executive Board during an Executive Board Meeting or by both.

Adoption of Amendments I, II, and III
By order of the Constitutional Committee, this eighteenth (18th) day of November 1992, Amendments I, II, and III are proposed and are to put before the Regular Membership of this organization for Adoption in this Constitution.

    Robert S. Zirkle, EMT-A

Constitutional Committee Members:
    Karen M. Brakeman, EMT-A
    Wesleyann Cooper
    William T. Desmarais, Jr., EMT-A
    David J. Koellisch
    Shirley A. Sereque
    Ellie H. Toa, EMT-A
    Charles E. Welborne
    Robert S. Zirkle, EMT-A, presiding

By the order of the Regular Membership, this _______ day of December 1992, Amendments I, II, and III are Adopted into this Constitution as prescribed by Article VI “Amendments.”