P. L. 480 (“Food for Peace”)

Peace Corps


Walt W. Rostow (1916-2003)

Margaret Sanger (1879-1966)

Norman Borlaug (1914-2009)

Asian Development: The “Green Revolution”
History 300 / October 17, 2013

I. Development aid from West & East, 1950s-1960s
            A. The goal: creating modern, fully industrial societies
            B. Forms of state-financed development aid
                        1. Capital aid
                        2. Technical aid
                        3. Military aid
                        4. Aid in kind
            C. Support for economic activity in recipient countries
                        1. Preferential trading agreements
                        2. Subsidies for export insurance
                        3. Capital investment protection treaties
            D. Common critiques of development aid practices
II. The role of non-government actors (mostly Western)
            A. Missionary activities
                        1. Medical services
                        2. Translation work
            B. Informal networks of activists
            C. Big thinking on global problems: the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations
                        1. Food production
                        2. Population control
III. Toward the “Green Revolution”
            A. Prominent developers
                        1. Norman Borlaug’s work in Mexico
                        2. The International Rice Research Institute
            B. Advantages of the new breeds
            C. Disadvantages of the new breeds
            D. “IR-8” and the war in Vietnam
            E. A “war on poverty” in India
IV. The UN Development Program, a latecomer


Matthew Connelly, Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to Control World Population
Nick Cullather, The Hungry World: America’s Cold War Battle Against Poverty in Asia