Egypt today

Intervention at Suez, 1956

Europe, 1956-58

Dag Hammarskjöld

Gamal Abdul Nasser

Imre Nagy

Lester Pearson

The Suez Crisis
History 300 / September 26, 2013

I. Introduction: varieties of power
            A. Economic and financial power
            B. Moral legitimacy
            C. Military capacity
II. Nasser – an irritant to the West
            A. Pan-Arab aspirations
            B. Playing the Soviet card
            C. Financial & diplomatic maneuvering
                        1. The Aswan Dam
                        2. Nationalizing the Suez Canal
III. Resolving the nationalization problem
            A. Internationalize the canal?
            B. Hammarskjöld’s six peaceful principles
            C. Military intervention
IV. Crisis diplomacy
            A. The temporal coincidence: Soviet intervention in Hungary
            B. The (First) UNGA Emergency Session
                        1. “Uniting for Peace” – against Britain and France!
                        2. The U.S. sponsors a condemnatory resolution
            C. Threats from East and West
                        1. America’s financial muscle
                        2. Soviet nuclear threats
            D. UNEF: The birth of UN peacekeeping
            E. The (Second) UNGA Emergency Special Session
V. The West’s position in the Middle East wobbles
            A. Parliamentary governments weaken
            B. Britain’s friends in Iraq toppled
            C. France’s problems in North Africa

UNSC Resolution 118 (Oct. 13, 1956)

UNSC Resolution 119 (Oct. 31, 1956)

UNSC Resolution 120 (Nov. 4, 1956)

UNEF arrives in Gaza, March 1957

Further reading
[that revisionist account...]