Interviews and Company Presentations

To interview with the club, the following conditions need to be met:

  • Must have paid dues.
  • Must be in good standing with the club (i.e. not on probation for violating interviewing rules).
  • Must have attended the interview and resume workshops set up by the club's officers.

When a company opens up interviews, priority will be given to:

  • 1) Students pre-selected by the company.
  • 2) Seniors and Juniors (with or without exams) and Sophomores (with exams).
  • 3) Sophomores (without exams) and Freshmen (with or without exams).

Pre-selected students will be notified via email as soon as the schedule goes up. They will then have a set amount of time (typically one to two days) in which to arrange their time slot. After the aforementioned time frame has passed, Priority 2 students will be allowed to sign up and notified also through email. Once 24 hours has passed, Priority 3 students will be allowed to sign up also. It will NOT be the responsibility of the club officers to ensure a student receives a time slot. It will be up to the student to arrange a time for interviews via the scheduler. The Website Coordinator will kick students out of time slots for violation of rules WITHOUT notification.

Company Presentations

Typically, a company will present the night before it holds interviews at Purdue. Any student who has signed up to interview with the company will be expected to attend the presentation. If a student has a legitimate excuse for missing the presentation, they need to notify the company representative (which can be found on the website under "Recruitment" then "Employers") and the club account ( The student must e-mail the club account or officer BEFORE the presentation. Any excused absences received by that time will be allowed to interview the next day. Any unexcused absences will be removed the scheduler and opened to students who attend the presentation following the priority rules listed above.


If a person will not be able to make an interview they are expected to notify the club via email as soon as possible. If the student does not attend the company presentation, the rules above will be followed. If a student signs up for the interview and makes it to the presentation but does not attend the interview they will be punished by not being allowed to interview with companies for one week. If there is an emergency, notify the company contact and the club as soon as possible. Repeat offenders of this policy will be dealt with in a harsh manner.

Our Companies