Relevant Statistics for Prospective Authors

How long will it take to receive a decision on a submitted manuscript?

In 2009, we averaged 72 days from initial submission of a manuscript to the authors receiving a decision. This average does NOT include the turn-around time for manuscripts receving an immediate rejection for not adhering to our submission guidelines, but it does include academic breaks. The time can vary from manuscript to manuscript based upon the speed of our reviewers. As a general rule, reviewers are given a month to submit a finished review. If your submission falls within a scheduled academic break (summer, end of year holidays), decisions may be slower because many of our reviewers may not be available or have an increased response time.

What is your acceptance rate?

In 2009, our acceptance rate was 15%. We do not have a "goal" acceptance rate, but are instead looking for manuscripts of high academic merit.

How big is your journal's readership?

Since we are currently an online, open-access journal, it is hard to track readership. We can say that since the end of 2005, when IJPBL first debuted, we have had over 55,000 downloads of individual articles. In 2009, our download rate increased dramatically and we are keeping on pace for 2010 for over 20,000 unique downloads.

Is your journal indexed?
We are currently in the application process for several indexes.

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ISSN: 1541-5015

Updated 5/10/2010