
House Tour











In Memory of Beth Brown

1978 - 1998

We Will Always Love and Cherish You in Our Hearts
You Will Never Be Forgotten Love Your Sisters

For Beth

Beth, yesterday we gathered and cried for you.

We held each other close and
Felt you there.
We watched a white candle
Silver with your name
And gold with a flame's warm glow
That dims compared to our memories of your smile.

Beth, yesterday we gathered and laughed for you.

We told our stories and
Saw you here.
We played tricks on a fish,
Knitted by the television
And solved problems with cars and men
These are the days we will never forget.

Beth, yesterday we gathered and prayed for you.

We repeated litanies and verses and
Knew you heard.
We searched for peace and understanding
Colored by grief and pain
And tried to be strong for each other
Like you always were for each of us.

Beth, yesterday we gathered and found you.

We listened to the words of our sisters and
Heard your voice.
We realized each of us has received
The precious gift of you in our lives.
We were blessed.
We knew we were better for knowing and loving you.

Beth, yesterday we gathered and missed you.

This poem was written by an unnamed member of
Delta Delta Delta and it said what we were all trying to
say but couldn't.


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