Meredith's rule D of Condensed Detachment

Pick any sentential language, L, that includes a binary connective, say C, and let the rules of detachment/modus ponens (for C) and of (uniform) substitution be formulated as usual.
          Where C
αβ and γ are any pair of formulas, let γ' be an alphabetic variant of γ containing no letters occurring in Cαβ. If there exists a substitution σ of formulas for the letters occurring in a and γ' for which σ(α) = σ(γ'), then α and γ' are said to be unifiable, and σ is called a unifier for them. When α and γ' are unifiable, there is, by the Unification Theorem of J. A. Robinson's A machine-oriented logic based on the resolution principle, [Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, volume 12 (1965), pp. 23-41], always a most general unifier for the two, that is, a substitution σ of formulas for the letters occurring in α and γ' such that for any other substitution σ' unifying α and γ', σ'(α) is a substitution instance of σ(α). By trivial letter-for-letter alterations, σ can always be turned into a β-acceptable most general unifier σ* for α and γ', that is, a most general unifier for α and γ' for which no sentence letters occurring in σ*(α) occur in β but not α.  Our rule can now be formulated as follows:

Premises: Any two formulas C
αβ  (the major premise) and γ (the minor premise) for which α and  γ have a common substitution instance. 
any alphabetic variant of σ*(β) where γ' is any alphabetic variant of γ containing no sentence letters in common with Cαβ, and σ* is any β-acceptable most general unifier for α and γ'.

The basic result [the first published proof I'm aware of is in J. A. Kalman's Condensed detachment as a rule of inference, Studia Logica, volume 42 (1983), pp. 443-451, though the result was certainly known to Meredith, Prior, and many others, and had presumably been proved by them earlier though not published] is this:

METATHEOREM. For each set A of wffs of L, let the formulas classically derivable from those in A be the formulas that can be derived from those in A using the rules of Detachment and Uniform Substitution, and let the formulas D-derivable  from those in A be the formulas that can be derived from those in A using the rule D of Condensed Detachment alone.  Then a formula is classically derivable from formulas in A if and only if it is a substitution instance of at least one formula D-derivable from formulas in A.

To illustrate the use of condensed detachment and, as well, the way proofs are presented on these pages, here is a simple derivation of the two formulas CpCCpqq and CCCppqq (nicknamed "Pon" and "Specialized Assertion", respectively) from the two formulas CCpCqrCqCpr ("Com", or just "C") and Cpp ("Id") using rule D:

                1. CCpCqrCqCpr
                2. Cpp
         D1.2 = 3. CpCCpqq
         D3.2 = 4. CCCppqq

The annotation "D1.2" to the left of line 3 tells us that line 3 is the result of applying rule D using line 1 as major premise and line 2 as minor premise.   
          When studying a proof of this sort, one can always work out the substitutions for one's self, though it's often easier to do so with pencil and paper than in one's head.  Here, notice that we can replace both occurrences of 'p' in 1 with 'Cpq', both occurrences of 'q' with 'p', and both occurrences of 'r' with 'q' to get 'CCCpqCpqCpCCpqq'.  In 2, we can replace both occurrences of 'p' with 'Cpq' to produce 'CCpqCpq'.  Since the substitution instance of 2 thus obtained matches exactly the antecedent of the instance of 1 gotten earlier, the result of detaching the former from the latter (equivalently, "the result of applying modus ponens with the former as minor premise and the latter as major") leaves us with the consequent, 'CpCCpqq', of the longer formula, which is shown in the proof as line 3.
          Similarly, the expression "D3.2" appearing left of line 4 informs us that line 4 is the most general formula that can be obtained by detaching a substitution instance of line 2 from an instance of line 3.  In this case, things are much easier.  Simply replace each 'p' in line 3 with 'Cpp' to get 'CCppCCCppqq'. Line 2 is the antecedent of the latter, whence detaching it delivers 'CCCppqq'.
          Occasionally it can be useful to draw a "picture" of the proof in which, for each individual application of rule D, a red arrow is extended downwards from the major premise and a blue arrow down from the minor premise towards the line produced by that application:

          As a curiosity, I mention that the pair {C, I} used in the example above can be compressed into the single axiom CCCCpCqrCqCprCCssttC and I follow quickly from it (with it as line 1, D1.1 = 2 = Specialized Assertion, D2.1 = 3 = Pon, D2.2 = I, and D1.3 = C), and it in turn follows from them (though not as easily: four applications of D are needed).


© Dolph Ulrich, 2007