
These scripts are designed to run various parts of candock in a modular fashion. For example: they can be used to generate the fragments for docking without actually doing any docking. These modular can be run independently of each other, and dependencies between modules are taken care of automatically ( IE binding site identification will take place before docking of fragments ). The list of modules is given below:

  1. find_centroids Identifies the binding site of a protein.
  2. prep_fragments Determines which bonds to cut for all ligands.
  3. make_fragments Produces a PDB file for each of the fragments.
  4. dock_fragments Docks the given fragments to a protein.
  5. link_fragments Links the docked fragments together to form the original ligands.
  6. extract_result Extracts all the important parts and makes a PyMOL session.
  7. design_ligands Designs new ligands

General Usage

The modules can be used several different ways and all of these ways are controlled by the same set of variables.

Submission Script Variables

MCANDOCK_PATH (/depot/gchopra-class/apps/candock)

Path containing the candock directories.

MCANDOCK_MOD_PATH (/depot/gchopra-class/apps/candock/modules/)

Path containing all of the the scripts! It’s recommended that one exports this variable in their .bash_profile file. Otherwise, the script will attempt to determine this automatically, which may not work in all cases. You have been warned.


Version of candock to use.


Number of CPUs to use.

Important Program Variables

CANDOCK_receptor (receptor.pdb)

File containing the protein that one wishes to dock to.

CANDOCK_ligands (ligands.mol2)

File containing all the ligands that one wishes to use.

CANDOCK_centroid (site.cen)

File to read the binding site from. If this file is not present or is empty, then the binding site will be determined automatically and saved to this file.

CANDOCK_prep (prepared_ligands.pdb)

File containing all the ligands that have been tagged with which fragments they consist of. If this file does not exist or is empty, then the ligands in $ligands will be tagged as such and saved to this file.

CANDOCK_top_seeds_dir (top_seeds)

Directory containing the docked fragments. If it does not exist, then the fragments given in $prep will be docked to the binding site given in $bsite.

CANDOCK_iterative (0)

Flag controlling rigid vs flexible docking. If set to 0, then rigid docking will occur. If set to any value greater than 0, then flexible docking will occur.

CANDOCK_top_percent (0.05)

Number (as a percentage) of each of the highest scored seeds to use. Default is 0.02 which means 2%.

CANDOCK_max_iter (100)

Maximum number of iterations to preform while linking.

CANDOCK_max_possible_conf (All conformations)

Maximum of clustered confirmations to link.

How to run CANDOCK Jobs

There are three ways to use the modules. Each way has advantages and disadvantages and the correct

Function Invocation

Each module exists as both a Bash script and a Bash function. This method is the quickest and dirtiest way of using the modules. It should not be used for long jobs and is best for quickly checking the modules work properly with a given set of variables. To use, start by using the following to load the functions in to the Shell environment source $MCANDOCK_MOD_PATH/ Now you can invoke a module by simply typing the module name as you would a program name. For example, one could simply type bsite to do binding site identification. To change a variable, simply say varname=varvalue. To change the receptor, for example, use the following: CANDOCK_receptor=1aaq.pdb.

Script Invocation

This method is the recommended method for invoking a module when using a Lab or local machine. Do not use it for jobs that are to be run on the cluster. To invoke a module, simply add $MCANDOCK_MOD_PATH to your $PATH and type the module name. For example, just type and your off and running! To change a variable, you must export it first. Do so like the following example for ligands: export CANDOCK_ligands=new_drug.mol2.

PBS Submission

If you’re using the modules on an RCAC cluster, you must use this method if your jobs is to run for more than a few minutes. It is the most convoluted, but the most powerful. To start, jobs must be submitted using qsub and the full path to each module must be given. Variables are given to qsub as comma separated equalities using the -v option. For example: qsub -v var1=value1,var2=value2. Do not use spaces to separate values. Alternately, one can export variables and use qsub -V. If using a different $MCANDOCK_MOD_PATH than the default, ensure that this variable is exported properly as PBS blocks the scripts ability to determine it’s location. For an interactive job, export $MCANDOCK_MOD_PATH before using the script.

So, the above was really confusing ~and badly written~ - so now there’s an easier way! (tm). The command simplifies things by running qsub for you. To run dock_fragments, for example, use dock_fragments. You can pass qsub arguments as well, thus dock_fragments -v var1=value1 -l myarg=whatever is valid. Note that -V is passed automatically, so make sure your environment is setup properly!


Create a seeds data base for FLT3

The following will create a seeds database on the standby queue with 20 cores.


mkdir flt3
cd flt3 4xuf > 4xuf.pdb
grep '^ATOM' 4xuf.pdb | grep ' A ' > receptor.pdb

cp /depot/gchopra/data/seeds_data_base/cando-ligands-3d.mol2 ./ligands.mol2 dock_fragments

Dock molecules to a single receptor

The following will docking a small number of ligands to a single protein. It will have 200 hours to complete and will run in the gchopra queue.


mkdir working_dir
cd working_dir

cp /path/to/my/protein.pdb ./receptor.pdb
cp /path/to/my/drugs.mol2 ./ligands.mol2 link_fragments

Dock molecules to several receptors


mkdir working_dir
cd working_dir

mkdir structures compounds seeds_database docking

cd structures

# Do this for all pdb codes you want to dock against 1PDB > 1pdb.pdb 2PDB > 2pdb.pdb
# .....
basename -s .pdb -a *.pdb > ../all.lst
# You can also place your own binding sites here, named
# 1pdb.cen, 2pdb.cen, etc

cd ../compounds
cp /path/to/directory/with/your/ligands.mol2 .

# If there's a few ligands ( <100ish )
# A lot of fagmenets prep_fragments

cd ../seeds_database dock_fragments
# wait for all jobs to finish

cd ../docking
mkdir -p top_0.02/all_conf
cd top_0.02/all_conf link_fragments

All Variables

Starting Input Files:

Option Name Default Description
receptor receptor.pdb Receptor filename
ligand ligands.mol2 Ligand filename

Probis (binding site indentification) Options:

Option Name Default Description
neighb false Allow only ligands that are in the similar regions according to REMARKs
num_bsites 3 Maximum number of predicted (or given) binding sites to consider for docking
centroid None Filename for reading and writing centroids
names bslibdb/data/names Directory with ligand names
lig_clus_file ligand_clusters.pdb Ligand clusters found by ProBiS are outputted to this file
nosql probis.nosql NoSql-formatted ProBiS alignments output file
probis_min_z_score 2.5 Minimium z-score of ligands to be considered in clustering
probis_clus_rad 3.0 Cluster radius for predicted ligands byprobis
srf_file probis.srf File for storing the protein surface calculated by probis.
z_scores_file z_scores.pdb Binding site z-scores are outputted to this file
probis_min_pts 10 The minimum number of points (for predicted ligands) required to form a cluster
json probis.json Json-formatted ProBiS alignments outputfile
bio bslibdb/data/bio Directory with ProBiS-ligands bio database
bslib bslibdb Read binding sites library from this directory
centro_clus_rad 3.0 Cluster radius for centroid centers
jsonwl probis_with_ligands.json Json-formatted ProBiS alignments with transposed ligands output file

Ligand Fragmention Options:

Option Name Default Description
seeds seeds.txt Read unique seeds from this file, if itexists, and append new unique seeds if found
max_num_ligands 10 Maximum number of ligands to read in one chunk
prep prepared_ligands.pdb Prepared small molecule(s) are outputted to this filename
seeds_pdb seeds.pdb File to save full seeds into.

Fragment Docking Options:

Option Name Default Description
top_seeds_dir None Directory for saving top docked seeds
top_seeds_file top_seeds.pdb Top seeds output file
clus_rad 2.0 Cluster radius for docked seeds
num_univec 256 Number of unit vectors evenly distributed on a sphere for conformation generation
gridpdb_hcp gridpdb_hcp.pdb Grid pdb hcp file for output
clusterfile clustered_seeds.txt Clustered representative docked-seed conformations output file
excluded 0.8 Excluded radius
conf_spin 10 Spin degrees for conformation generation
grid 0.375 Grid spacing
max_frag_radius 16.0 Maximum fragment radius for creating the initial rotamers
interatomic 8.0 Maximum interatomic distance

Scoring Function Arguments:

Option Name Default Description
step 0.01 Step for spline generation of non-bonded knowledge-based potential [0.0-1.0]
obj_dir obj Output directory for objective functionand derivatives
comp reduced Atom types used in calculating reference state ‘reduced’ or ‘complete’(‘reduced’ includes only those atom types present in the specified receptorand small molecule, whereas ‘complete’ includes all atom types)
potential_file potentials.txt Output file for potentials and derivatives
func radial Function for calculating scores ‘radial’ or ‘normalized_frequency’
dist data/csd_complete_distance_distributions.txt Select one of the interatomic distance distribution file(s) provided with thisprogram
cutoff 6 Cutoff length [4-15].
scale 10.0 Scale non-bonded forces and energy for knowledge-based potential [0.0-1000.0]
ref mean Normalization method for the reference state (‘mean’ is averaged over all atomtype pairs, whereas ‘cumulative’ is a summation for atom type pairs)

Forcefield and Minimization Options:

Option Name Default Description
gaff_dat data/gaff.dat Gaff DAT forcefield input file
max_iter 10 Maximum iterations for minimization during linking
pos_tol 0.00000000001 Minimization position tolerance in Angstroms - only for KB
gaff_xml data/gaff.xml Gaff XML forcefield and ligand topologyoutput file
mini_tol 0.0001 Minimization tolerance
update_freq 10 Update non-bond frequency
water_xml data/tip3p.xml Water XML parameters (and topology) input file
fftype kb Forcefield to use ‘kb’ (knowledge-based) or ‘phy’ (physics-based)
max_iter_final 100 Maximum iterations for final minimization
amber_xml data/amber10.xml Receptor XML parameters (and topology) input file

Fragment Linking Options:

Option Name Default Description
docked_clus_rad 2.0 Cluster radius between docked ligand conformations
spin 60 Spin degrees to rotate ligand. Allowed values are 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 90
max_allow_energy 0.0 Maximum allowed energy for seed conformations
docked_dir docked Docked ligands output directory
max_clique_size 3 Maximum clique size for initial partialconformations generation
cuda 1 (Implicit) (=false) Enable cuda iterative linker during linking
max_possible_conf -1 Maximum number of possible conformations to link (-1 means unlimited)
link_iter 1000 Maximum iterations for linking procedure
upper_tol_seed_dist 2.0 Upper tolerance on seed distance for getting initial conformations of dockedfragments
lower_tol_seed_dist 2.0 Lower tolerance on seed distance for getting initial conformations of dockedfragments
max_num_possibles 200000 Maximum number of possibles conformations considered for clustering
tol_seed_dist 2.0 Tolerance on seed distance in-between linking
top_percent 0.05 Top percent of each docked seed to extend to full molecule
iterative 1 (Implicit) (=false) Enable iterative minimization during linking
clash_coeff 0.75 Clash coefficient for determining whether two atoms clash by eq. dist12 s< C * (vdw1 + vdw2)

Automated Design Options:

Option Name Default Description
change_terminal_atom None Change non-hydrogen atoms that terminate chains to given atoms. Multiple atoms can be given.
target_dir targets (Implicit) Directory containing PDB files. These are docked against and labeled as targets.
antitarget_dir atargets (Implicit) Directory containing PDB files. These are docked against and labeled as antitargets
force_seed None Force addition of a certain seed from seeds.pdb. Multiple seeds can be given
add_single_atoms None Change hydrogens to given atoms. Multiple atoms can be given.
target_linking true Should the ligands be linked for target
antitarget_linking true Shoutd the ligands be linked for antitargets
seeds_till_bad -1 Number of times a seed must be present in the top_seeds for antitargets until it is removed from the good list
fragment_bag fragment_bag.mol2 (Implicit) Additional fragments to be added to seeds.pdb
seeds_to_avoid 50 Number of seeds from seeds.pdb to be considered for removal from determined from seeds_to_add
seeds_till_good -1 Number of times a seed must be present in the top_seeds for targets until it is considered for addition
fragment_mol fragment_mol.mol2 (Implicit) Additional fragments to be added to seeds.pdb without rotatable bonds beingcut.
seeds_to_add 50 Number of seeds from seeds.pdb to be considered for addition to the ligands in prepared_ligands.pdb