
Weekend Trips Quick Facts

How do I sign up for a weekend construction trip ?
You may either sign-up for a Construction Trip online by clicking on the link below, or come to our meetings (check schedule under "Meetings" tab) to sign up. The list is first come, first served so please plan accordingly. Completed membership form and $20 in dues are required before departure.
When do we leave and get back ?
We leave every Saturday from the lobby of Shreve at 8:00 AM and are generally back around 4:00 PM.
Where do we go ?
We go to either the house we are sponsoring in Lafayette, IN ot other Habitat chapters in the area.
What do we do there ?
Anything that would be needed to construct a house. This might include painting, roofing, insulating, digging, drywall, and many other exciting activities.
What do we eat ?
Lunch is provided. We eat at the afiliate house, and if lunch is not donated we typically order pizza.
How do we get there ?
We will take you there via the generousity of your fellow volunteers donating the use of their personal vehicles. If you volunteer for a weekend trip and are willing to drive, please let us know when you sign up, or email Maya Das | msdas@purdue.edu.
What should I bring ?
Nothing but the will to work and appropriate attire, such as clothing that you won't mind getting a bit dirty in, and layered clothing when its cold.