Irwin Weiser


Curriculum Vitae


Titles of Recent Publications


The Writing Program Administrator as Theorist: Making Knowledge Work. A co-edited collection of new essays exploring the contributions of theory and theorizing in the work of writing program administrators. Co-edited with Shirley K Rose. Heinemann, 2002.


The Writing Program Administrator as Researcher: Inquiry in Action and Reflection. A co-edited collection of new essays defining the intellectual work and research methods of writing program administrators. Co-edited with Shirley K Rose. Heinemann, 1999.


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Situating Portfolios: Four Perspectives. A co-edited collection of new essays on portfolios at all educational levels. Co-edited with Kathleen Blake Yancey. Utah State University Press, 1997.

 "Theorizing Writing Program Theorizing." With Shirley K Rose. In The Writing Program Administrator as Theorist, ed. Shirley K Rose and Irwin Weiser. Heinemann, 2002, 183-195.

"Introduction." The Writing Program Administrator as Theorist, ed. Shirley K Rose and Irwin Weiser. Co-authored with Shirley K Rose. Heinemann, 2002, 1-6.

"WPA as Researcher and Archivist." With Shirley K Rose. In The Writing Program Administrator's Resource: A Guide to Reflective Institutional Practice , ed. Stuart Brown and Theresa Enos. Erlbaum, 2002, 275-290.

"When Teaching Assistants Teach Teaching Assistants to Teach: An Historical View of a Teacher Preparation Program." In Preparing Teachers of College Writing: Histories, Theories, Programs, Practices, ed. Betty Pytlik and Sarah Liggett. Oxford UP, 2002. 40-49.

"Academic Dishonesty is not Tolerated in Chem. 110." With Jeffrey Jablonski. In Writing Making Learning: Cross-Curricular Scenes for Reflection and Faculty Development, ed. Chris M. Anson. Oxford UP, 2002, 189-194.

"Self-Assessment, Reflection, and the New Teacher of Writing." in  Self Assessment and Development in Writing,  ed. by Jane Smith and Kathleen Blake Yancey. Hampton, 2000.

"Local Research and Curriculum Development: Using Surveys to Learn About Writing Assignments in the Disciplines," in The Writing Program Administrator as Researcher, ed. by Shirley K Rose and Irwin Weiser. Heinemann, 1999.

"Revising Our Practices: How Portfolios Help Teachers Learn," in Situating Portfolios: Four Perspectives, ed. by Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser. Utah State University Press, 1997. 293-301.