Project #1 Proposal Workshop
Today, you'll have the opportunity to read each other's proposal memos, provide suggestions and feedback, and revise your memo before submitting it at the end of class.

In groups of 3-4, exchange print or electronic copies of your memo. Either on the memo directly or a separate sheet of paper, address the areas/questions listed below and provide suggestions for revision. Make sure that your classmate receives this feedback in written form and make sure that you include your name on the feedback.

Using the comments and suggestions from your peers, try to revise your memo before the end of class. Print out a copy of the revised memo and turn it in along with the written feedback from your peers. Place your revised memo on top.

Workshop Questions/Areas for Review--
1. Does the writer use the appropriate memo format [to, from, date, subject lines; brief introductory paragraph; sections with headings]?

2. Does the writer use descriptive headings and a descriptive subject line? If not, can you suggest alternatives?

3. Briefly comment on the organization of the memo. Are the sections divided up appropriately? Are there other sections that might have been included or are there alternative sections?

4. How clear is the concept that the writer is trying to convey? Is there other information that the writer might include that would help clarify the project?

5. Are you persuaded by this proposal? Why or why not?

6. Is the concept or theme proposed by the writer compelling and timely? Why or why not?

7. Can you provide any suggestions for improved grammar and/or style?