

Course Links

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Purdue College
of Education

EDCI 564
Summer, 2007
West Lafayette Campus

Course Synopsis

Welcome to the EDCI 564 home page. This site was established to give students and interested others access to information for and about EDCI 564, Integration and Management of Computers in Education, at Purdue University.

This course is intended for pre-service and in-service teachers, administrators, trainers, and others who use or intend to use computers in educational settings. It is a follow-up to either EDCI 270/271 or EDCI 560, the departmental "introduction to educational technology" courses, and is designed to build on skills acquired in those courses. This course focuses on techniques for and issued related to integrating computers in education, particularly in K-12 settings.

Drawing from the literature from the field, course topics include: educational reform and the role of technology; integration of popular computer applications; addressing content and technology standards; design of learning materials and experiences involving technology; both teachers'/trainers' classroom management and school/district management of computers; and issues related to the use of technology in education.

In-class activities are designed to model educational applications of technology, while personal projects allow individuals to develop skills and knowledge in areas of personal need. The goal of the course is to help you develop an understanding of important issues associated with the integration and management of technology in education and to effectively plan, implement, and evaluate technology-based instruction.

Last update: 8-may-07
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