Purdue University

EAS 557

Introduction to Seismology

Robert L. Nowack

Lecture 2

Linear Systems and Fourier Transforms



This lecture is adapted from some unpublished lecture notes by D.M. Boore and W. Thatcher. 



Bracewell, R. (1999)  The Fourier Transform and its Applications, McGraw Hill.

Oppenheim, A.V., A.S. Willsky, et al. (1996)  Signals and Systems, Prentice Hall.



Fourier Transforms


            Fourier transforms are powerful tools and are used constantly by scientists and engineers.  They connect two ways of looking at data in the frequency and in the time (or space) domains.  A Fourier transform is simply a mathematical tool which enables any complicated function of, say, time to be written as a sum of sines and cosines of different “amplitudes” and “initial phases”. 





The power in expressing a time domain signal in the frequency domain (via the coefficients or weights for the sines and cosines) is that certain numerical operations, such as differentiation and integration, are easy to carry out in the frequency domain.


            We will define the transform pair


                                           “Fourier transform pair”                


(complex exponentials will simplify the algebra where  = complex phasor }.  , radial frequency)





Note that



Then we can write (1a) as



where  is the cosine transform and  is the sine transform.  Real and imaginary parts of  are even and odd, respectively, for a real signal g(t).  Thus,  and .


            We can now represent  by its amplitude and phase, as


   for each .






            Now lets use (1b), assuming g(t) is real, as









If g(t) is real, then  is an even function  and  is an odd function.  This will occur if .





Thus, the amplitude (“spectra”) is symmetric (even) about , and the phase (“spectra”) is antisymmetric (odd) about





for a real signal like a seismogram or a cardiogram.  Thus, we will typically plot only  for positive frequencies (assuming real signals).  But, the negative frequencies must be included in any computations.  From (1c), g(t) can always be completely represented by a sum of weighted and shifted sines and cosines.  This was not obvious to scientists of the 19th century.  But, information contained in the waveform signal is often neatly summarized in the frequency domain.


            Ex)  Are there periodicities in the rotation of the Earth?  Are there periodicities in the earthquake record? 


Another important usage of Fourier transforms is that components of linear systems are easier to isolate in the frequency domain (i.e., your stereo system). 



Linear Systems


            Consider the following system for your stereo.


CD player  preamp  amp  filters  speakers  audio output


This is similar to the earth, where for example


Earthquake source  propagation in Earth’s mantle  propagation in Earth’s crust

recorded by seismometer  visual output


A system can be written,



where g is the output signal and s is the input signal.  It can also be written in input-output notation



We will restrict our discussion to linear and shift invariant systems. 


Consider an earthquake occurring in the New Madrid, Missouri area of the Midwest and the resulting ground motion recorded in West Lafayette on a seismometer (in the Civil Engineering building at Purdue).  Let’s say the source time history of the particular earthquake was s1(t) (for example, the rupture slip as a function of time on the fault plane) and the resulting ground motion at West Lafayette was g1(t). 





Is there enough information to predict the future ground motion g2(t) corresponding to a second, but larger, earthquake at the same location in New Madrid with a known rupture slip function on the fault, s2(t)? 


            Consider decomposing the input signal s into small rectangles





This can be written,




where  is sometimes called a “boxcar” function,






For a small , these boxcar functions would be skinny rectangles of unit area.


            Now, consider the output of our system



If the system T is “linear”, then for , then


a)   for a scalar

A simple way to think about this requirement for a linear system is that if you “double the input, you double the output”


b)   for two input signals s1(t) and s2(t) with , then


Note, the mathematical concept of linearity is subtle.


            For a linear system then,




where  is the system function T now acting on a series of time shifted “boxcars”.  Thus, if we know the output of T for all the skinny rectangles as inputs, we can find the output g(t) by adding up all the outputs from the scaled skinny rectangles.





            Now, we will make one final simplification.



Shift Invariance


            A system T is shift invariant if for






This assumes that the system (i.e., the Earth), hasn’t changed in time .  It is also sometimes called time invariance.  We can now write (2) as




where  is the shifted output of a skinny rectangle of unit area as input.  In order to convert this to an integral, let .





In the limit  and is now called a “delta function”.   is the delta function response of the system T and is also called the “impulse response of system T”.  Delta functions have 1) unit area, 2) no width, and 3) infinite height.  Mathematicians in the past had difficulties with them, but these functions are very useful.


            We can then write (3) as an integral



where g(t) is a sum of delta function outputs h(t) appropriately shifted in time and weighted by the source function amplitudes.  This is called linear convolution and it is often abbreviated as







(from Shearer, 1999)


            In the figure above, (a) represents the source s(t) from an airgun used in seismic exploration, and (b) represents an idealized Earth response function.  (c) then shows the convolution of the source time function with the Earth’s response.


The important point is that if we know the output h(t) for an impulsive input,





(i.e., the ground response at West Lafayette to a small earthquake in New Madrid of a very short rupture duration), then we can compute the ground response output to any input source function s(t).  The key here is the impulse response h(t).  We can think of the Earth as a black box





All we know about the Earth is that an input impulse gives h(t) as output.


Now assume that our seismograph recording system is also linear/shift invariant, where






and if we substitute  for g, then



Thus, the power of the systems approach is that we can cascade the effect of subsystems by sequential convolutions with impulse responses of the different subsystems.


            Now, the important connection with Fourier transforms is if






The convolution process is just multiplication in the frequency domain!







where , then




Let , where  is a “dummy variable” and , then








Thus, convolution is just a multiplication of the respective Fourier transforms frequency by frequency.  Finally,  is obtained by the inverse Fourier transform of  back to the time domain.


Consider a cascaded system where we have a combined system


source  Earth  seismic instrument





In the frequency domain this can be written as



            Ex)  Now, if we know the seismogram output y1(t) for a small earthquake with rupture time function s1(t)





can we find the recorded output in West Lafayette for a larger future earthquake with a rupture time function , where  is assumed to be given?





It turns out, yes, if the system is linear and shift invariant, but with qualifications.  Then,






If we form the ratio of the two Fourier transformed outputs,



then the Fourier components related to the Earth and the seismograph recording system cancel, assuming we don’t divide by zero in the process.





valid for , for all frequencies in the range of interest.  We can thus find  given , as well as , without performing another experiment.  This is the power of Fourier Transforms.


            Since in the frequency domain, convolution can be written as



Deconvolution in the frequency domain is done by spectral division for each frequency.  Thus, to find  given  and , then



assuming .  An example of this is given in the figure below where 1) represents the output g(t), 2) represents the source s(t), and 3) represents an approximate deconvolution of 1) by 2).  Note that this process can be unstable when  is near zero for some frequencies.





(from Erdogan, 1992)


            Finally, I give several examples of Fourier transform pairs































The “sinc function” is important for earthquake source problems and for seismic and optical diffraction problems.


            Finally, I include several basic properties of Fourier transforms (see Bracewell, 1999 for more details).  Below “FT” means taking the Fourier transform.


1)   linearity                              


2)   similarity                            


3)   shift                                   


4)   Parseval’s theorem            


5)   differentiation                     


6)   convolution theorem