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Professional Files

Curriculum Vitae 2016

Resume 2016

Link to Experience Studios Website

My info @ Purdue's website.

My Background

I am an Industrial & Interaction Designer. I have a BA in Industrial Design and a MFA in Interaction Design from Purdue University.

Nancy Rasche is an Assistant Professor of Practice at the Purdue Polytechnic Institute in the Computer Graphics Technology Department. She holds degrees in Industrial and Interaction Design. Her areas of concentration are in user experience design, interface design, user research, information architecture, design systems, and project management. Her teaching focus is in experiential learning and industry engagement where she leads the Experience Studios within the User Experience Design major. The Experience Studios connect multi-cohort student teams with industry sponsors throughout all four years. Find out more about the Experience Studio's at Purdue. Prof. Rasche's primary research emphasis is front-end design and development of enterprise software solutions to improve the user’s experience and to ease new software adoption. She currently works with a large automotive company to assist in the design of enterprise software solutions that will improve the engineer’s efficiency by simplifying workflow and improving consumption of complex information. She supervises the collection and synthesis of user data to create actionable insights that inform design direction and decisions. Some of the onsite research methods she has led include usability testing sessions, contextual inquiries, and stakeholder workshops. Prof. Rasche’s secondary research area is designing mobile apps that support the unique needs and capabilities of children with disabilities, specifically Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Her current application, LiteracyLABELS©, provides vocabulary and word recognition support to improve comprehension skills. She provided UX support for the award-winning application SpeakAll! that helps children with severe communication delays. She established a company to commercialize the technology she developed for her application, Experience Design Group, LLC.