Color Digits
by Petronio A. Bendito
Installation/Digital Screening
and Web-Based Installation

Computer rendering of possible installation configurations and Installation view with artist at the IDEAS Digital Art Festival, Bloomington, IN, April 2002.

Artist Statement_____________________________________________________

Are we as artists/designers "programming" new visual experiences, or are we "being programmed" by our experiences with computers as a whole? What kind of art is produced when mental processes are unconscious simulations of computer-based processes? What happens when humans think like machines? Have we consciously allowed ourselves to be shaped by computer related experiences?

A great portion of my work as a process is deployed from subjectivity, as I base my imageries (motion and static) on logical processes. However, it is my belief that the configuration of the RGB Color Cube serves not only as a place holder for a mathematical structure, but as a cognitive tool from which "logical/poetic color relationships" can be extracted.

My work is essentially a computer-based documentation of a logical mental process as an art form that is intrinsically related to the perceptual structure of the RGB Color Cube based on the Web Browser Color Look Up Table. On the surface, among other things, minimalist approaches to art, color theory inspired processes, scripting, and computer visualization methods are used as form giving mechanisms.

It is important to realize that the "essence" of my work goes beyond projected digital colors. The fact that monitors and projectors reproduce colors slightly different does not mean my work "is not there." The work submitted for IDEAS is about perceptual structures that have autonomy in their own. If I turn off the projector's light or monitor, the work still lives in its perceptual configurations and mathematical structures, for logical processes are inherently ethereal.

My work documents a meditative search for beauty within a computer-based system (the RGB Color Cube) and is a visual representation of a thinking process based on visualization methods I have developed.

View: Color Digits Web-Based Installation

To successfully view Color Digits you will need Macromedia Shockwave Player installed on your computer. If necessary, click the icon above for instructions on downloading and installing the required player.