Fusion (Windows)

Fusion Logo, white background, 'Zoom' in grey, 'Text' in lime green

Login Procedure on Purdue Lab computers where Fusion is Installed

  1. Microsoft Narrator, part of Windows, can be used to provide speech during the login process. Start Narrator by pressing Ctrl + WindowsKey + EnterKey.
  2. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del .
  3. Press the Enter key.
  4. Type in your login.
  5. Press the Tab key.
  6. Type in your password.
  7. Press the Enter key.


  1. Log onto the computer.
  2. Select the Start menu.
  3. Type fusion into the search box.
  4. Press the Enter key.

Fusion should now be running. Please report any problems that you have with the software.

If you have configuration settings for Fusion that you would like to have loaded each time you launch Fusion, please contact the Assistive Technology Lab for assistance.

Locations where Fusion is Installed

Fusion will always be available in the Assistive Technology Lab in Young Hall 829. Fusion should also be available in the Disability Resource Center Testing Center. Fusion can be installed in other locations on campus upon request. Please contact the Assistive Technology Lab staff at atc-info@purdue.edu.

Installing Fusion on a Personally-Owned Computer

Please contact the Assistive Technology Lab staff for information on installing Fusion on a personal computer.