Intramural Sports: You Play, We Pay!

One of Shreve Club's great benefits for residents is funding for intramural sports teams. Each semester, we have $750 set aside specifically for paying the dues of teams whose members all live in Shreve Hall. So, how can you take advantage of this?

The first step is to follow the directions from Purdue IM Sports to sign your team up on IM Leagues (see page 9 of the participant handbook). Don't submit payment via credit card when you're finished! Instead, print out the team page.

Once you have your team page, it will need to be approved by Nick Palcheff, our Intramural Representative. You can contact him at to arrange to have your form reviewed. After Nick approves your form and stamps it, just take it to Member Services to finish registering your team.

If you have any questions, be sure to contact Nick at Have fun!

Posted on September 3, 2014 by .