WPA as Writer:

Representing the
Intellectual Work of

Writing Program Administration

English 680W Seminar
Fall 2003
Purdue University

Professor Shirley Rose
T&Th 10:30-11:45 HEAV210

Shirley Rose homepage Email instructor: roses@purdue.edu email class: engl680w0101031-class@relay.cc.purdue.edu

Syllabus    Assignment Calendar     Project Specifications   Showcase    Bibliography

What is the intellectual work of Writing Program Administration?  By focusing on WPAs’ and others’ representations of the intellectual work of writing program administration, the seminar will explore issues of curriculum development and faculty development for programs in first-year composition, writing centers, professional writing and writing across the curriculum.
Course readings, seminar discussions and activities, and course assignments will address themes and subjects such as the following:

what methodologies do WPAs draw from to design, undertake, and represent their program-related inquiry?

what rhetorical strategies do WPAs use to describe and document their work in writing program administration?

what stories do WPAs tell one another about their work and what are the ethical implications of these stories?

what analytical tools can be used to examine representations of WPA work?

what kinds of learning prepare WPAs for their work?


This page created August 24, 2003 by Shirley K Rose; last updated February 20, 2004