Professional Writing Theory
Information | Assignments | Communication | Calendar | Policies

You are expected to be in class every Wednesday evening and to participate in online discussion throughout each week. Each missed class is significant: communicate with the instructor regarding any missed class time. After two absences, student grades will be impacted. Please discuss multiple absences with the instructor.

Early in the semester, you will be asked to demonstrate your ability to:
• Access to your Career Account and use your email address,
• Send and receive email messages to the class list, email and open attachments, and follow email decorum,
• Check the course calendar before the beginning of each class, and
• Back-up your work via your home directory, disks, and/or email attachments to yourself.

Online Discussion and Classroom Participation
Email and online discussion allow students to pursue topics and ideas outside of class time. Every student is required to participate in online discussion. Online and classroom participation will be evaluated as 10% of the final grade. I read many posts to class discussion. However, I try to limit my participation so students have an opportunity to develop their own understanding of the material. Please keep in mind that online discussion is an extension of classroom space: post material you feel is appropriate for classroom discussion. Generally, if you check email a few times each week and post questions and concerns as they occur to you during your preparation for class, you will maintain an appropriate level of participation. Do not hesitate to ask questions online: chances are that someone in class has the same question, and often someone has an answer. Sometimes the question you are asking is far more complicated than you had imagined. There is no single “right” way to have an online discussion. You must participate in the online discussion in order to receive a grade in this course.

Due Dates and Grading
Please submit assignments when they are due. Late work is not acceptable. While I am happy to discuss grading practices and policies and will do my best to explain why students receive certain evaluations, grades are rarely changed. Please visit me in my office during office hours, and use email to contact me between class meetings.

Academic Integrity
Academic dishonesty is a serious crime. If you are suspected of academic dishonesty, you may be reported to the Office of the Dean of Students who may pursue disciplinary action. Forms of academic dishonesty include: Collusion - lending your work to another person to submit as his or her own; Fabrication - deliberately creating false information on a works cited page; and Plagiarism - the presentation of another person's work as your own, whether intentional or not. Please read and familiarize yourself with Purdue's student guide to academic integrity located at: [].

The Writing Lab
The Writing Lab (located at 226 Heavilon Hall) offers a variety of writing resources for all students and teachers at Purdue, including half-hour tutorials, workshops, handouts and books, public use computers, a collection of tapes and software for writers of English as a Second Language (ESL), and an inexhaustible supply of animal crackers. Many of these resources (but not the snacks) can be accessed from the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at For more information, call 494-3723.

The Digital Learning Collaboratory (DLC)
The DLC (located in the lower level of Hicks Undergraduate Library) offers an active learning environment with a number of resources that you can access to help create multimedia projects. As a student, you can check out equipment, use the high-speed Macs and PCs, learn new software, or reserve space to work collaboratively on a class project. For more information, go to, send e-mail to, or call 494-3751.

Adaptive Programs
The Adaptive Programs division of the Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS) can arrange for assistance, auxiliary aids, or related services if you think a temporary or permanent disability might prevent you from gaining access to departmental or university resources listed above. Contact ODOS at 494-1247 or [] with any individual concerns.

The instructor will not knowingly infringe anyone’s rights and will do his best to maintain access and safety for all students. Raise any concerns during or after class if you feel the classroom environment (whether due to instructor or student action) is hostile or otherwise inappropriate.


Information | Assignments | Communication | Calendar | Policies