Electronic Media Studio 1
Prof. Fabian Winkler

EMS1 is an introductory course dedicated to the exploration of a range of artistic practices using the Macintosh computer. It consists of technical workshops, creative assignment work and class discussions and critiques. The course begins with a media-archeological investigation of the transition from still to moving images, one of the key moments in the history of electronic and time-based art. It continues with explorations into the field of sound and brings together digital images and sounds in a section on animation. In the second half of the semester, we will challenge ideas of traditional "linear" media with experiments in basic interactivity and learn simple programming techniques. The course closes with a documentation of all the works in form of a WWW presentation.

The Electronic Media Studio 1 is an art studio before it is a computer course. Our goal is to make art with computers, not simply learn how to use computers. Every student in this course should use it as an opportunity to become a media art creator rather than consumer. Assignments in this course are invitations to invent and experiment. They are also designed as hands-on experiences to explore the possibilities and pitfalls of this new medium.

Course Number: A&D 101
Professor: Fabian Winkler
Mondays/Wednesdays, 11:30-2:20pm
FPRD202 and STEW B31

Course web site: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~fwinkler/101
  • All course materials are available upon request. Please contact: fwinklerpurdue.edu